Une pépite parmi la relève ? voir parge 6

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Messagede lovecraft le 31 Oct 2006, 18:56

francis_f a écrit:
Cyril a écrit:Vous parlez tous comme si Hamilton allait être titularisé en 2007... Ce qui n'est pas encore certain. Entre ça et ceux qui voient Fisichella dehors après quelques courses, vous formez une belle bande de Madame Irma :D :P

Hamilton chez McLaren, c'est loin d'être fait. Mercedes a dans l'oeil un de ses pilotes de DTM... Bruno Spengler, 23 ans, vice-champion 2006. Le jeune Québécois d'origine alsacienne a attiré l'attention de la haute direction de Mercedes en dominant la fin du championnat 2006 de DTM. Reste à savoir qui de Ron Dennis ou Norbert Haug aura le dernier mot...

C'est pas parceque Spengler est canadien et que vous aussi qu'il faut le voir en F1. Pour le moment un gars comme Pafett qui a le meme parcours n'a eu droit qu'a des essais.
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Messagede francis_f le 31 Oct 2006, 19:00

lovecraft a écrit:
francis_f a écrit:
Cyril a écrit:Vous parlez tous comme si Hamilton allait être titularisé en 2007... Ce qui n'est pas encore certain. Entre ça et ceux qui voient Fisichella dehors après quelques courses, vous formez une belle bande de Madame Irma :D :P

Hamilton chez McLaren, c'est loin d'être fait. Mercedes a dans l'oeil un de ses pilotes de DTM... Bruno Spengler, 23 ans, vice-champion 2006. Le jeune Québécois d'origine alsacienne a attiré l'attention de la haute direction de Mercedes en dominant la fin du championnat 2006 de DTM. Reste à savoir qui de Ron Dennis ou Norbert Haug aura le dernier mot...

C'est pas parceque Spengler est canadien et que vous aussi qu'il faut le voir en F1. Pour le moment un gars comme Pafett qui a le meme parcours n'a eu droit qu'a des essais.

Pas canadien, Québécois ! Ça s'est discuté pas mal en fin de semaine dernière dans les médias d'ici. Des tests seraient organisés probablement d'ici la fin de l'année.
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Messagede lovecraft le 31 Oct 2006, 19:03

francis_f a écrit:
lovecraft a écrit:
francis_f a écrit:
Cyril a écrit:Vous parlez tous comme si Hamilton allait être titularisé en 2007... Ce qui n'est pas encore certain. Entre ça et ceux qui voient Fisichella dehors après quelques courses, vous formez une belle bande de Madame Irma :D :P

Hamilton chez McLaren, c'est loin d'être fait. Mercedes a dans l'oeil un de ses pilotes de DTM... Bruno Spengler, 23 ans, vice-champion 2006. Le jeune Québécois d'origine alsacienne a attiré l'attention de la haute direction de Mercedes en dominant la fin du championnat 2006 de DTM. Reste à savoir qui de Ron Dennis ou Norbert Haug aura le dernier mot...

C'est pas parceque Spengler est canadien et que vous aussi qu'il faut le voir en F1. Pour le moment un gars comme Pafett qui a le meme parcours n'a eu droit qu'a des essais.

Pas canadien, Québécois ! Ça s'est discuté pas mal en fin de semaine dernière dans les médias d'ici. Des tests seraient organisés probablement d'ici la fin de l'année.

Aux dernières nouvelles le Québec fait parti du Canada.

Spengler refera une année de DTM, il vise le titre, donc pas de f1 (hormis quelques essais par ci par la) avant 2008, et encore...
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Messagede Nelson le 31 Oct 2006, 20:12

francis_f a écrit:Hamilton chez McLaren, c'est loin d'être fait. Mercedes a dans l'oeil un de ses pilotes de DTM... Bruno Spengler, 23 ans, vice-champion 2006. Le jeune Québécois d'origine alsacienne a attiré l'attention de la haute direction de Mercedes en dominant la fin du championnat 2006 de DTM. Reste à savoir qui de Ron Dennis ou Norbert Haug aura le dernier mot...

Spengler n'a aucune chance de décrocher le 2e volant McLaren.

Il va probablement avoir droit à un test dans l'avenir, ce qui pourrait lui ouvrir des portes si ça se passe bien, mais pour 2007, aucune chance.
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Inscription: 20 Fév 2003, 14:01

Messagede François le 02 Nov 2006, 10:07

Pour Shunt :

Freddie Hunt has become the latest son of a British Formula 1 world champion to follow in his great father's footsteps.

According to weekly newspaper Motorsport News, on sale today, nineteen-year-old son of 1976 world champion James Hunt competed in his first car race as part of a Silverstone Motorsport Academy course at the British Grand Prix venue.

Apparently, Freddie, who finished second in class and fourth overall in his first race, used the experience as a chance to evaluate a potential career in the sport.

Should Hunt embark on the racing life, his family would be the fifth such British motorsport dynasty to do so.

The 1996 world champion Damon Hill is the most famous son of a British title-winner (Graham Hill), but over the last two decades the sons of Sir Jackie Stewart, John Surtees and Nigel Mansell have all also become racing drivers.
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Messagede GoBruno le 02 Nov 2006, 10:15

C'est difficile à dire.

Dans ceux qui débarquent l'année prochaine, celui sur qui je miserai le plus est Hamilton bien entendu. Je crois aussi que Kovalainen aura a coeur de prouver ce qu'il vaut et il a un an d'expérience de la voiture, gros avantage par rapport a (gros cou) Rosberg si jamais on était tenté (logiquement) de les comparer. Kubica va aussi faire son trou.

Dans les autres, plus jeunes et qui devraient arriver (si les budgets suivent) Di Resta m'a vraiment scotché ...

On a fait un foin de Vettel a un moment donné, ben Di Resta l'a mis sous l'éteignoir à la régulière.

J'aime co ben Bruno Spengler en DTM ... même si j'espère que ce sera un autre Bruno qui me fera vibrer d'ici quelques années en F1 ... :good
"Racing, competing is in my blood, it's part of me, it's part of my life ...", Ayrton Senna
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Inscription: 28 Juil 2006, 21:47
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Messagede schumi84f1 le 02 Nov 2006, 10:41

GoBruno a écrit:C'est difficile à dire.

Dans ceux qui débarquent l'année prochaine, celui sur qui je miserai le plus est Hamilton bien entendu. Je crois aussi que Kovalainen aura a coeur de prouver ce qu'il vaut et il a un an d'expérience de la voiture, gros avantage par rapport a (gros cou) Rosberg si jamais on était tenté (logiquement) de les comparer. Kubica va aussi faire son trou.

Dans les autres, plus jeunes et qui devraient arriver (si les budgets suivent) Di Resta m'a vraiment scotché ...

On a fait un foin de Vettel a un moment donné, ben Di Resta l'a mis sous l'éteignoir à la régulière.

J'aime co ben Bruno Spengler en DTM ... même si j'espère que ce sera un autre Bruno qui me fera vibrer d'ici quelques années en F1 ... :good

comme je l'ai dit plusieurs fois, Di Resta n'a eu que la F3 à penser
Vettel a piloté en F3, en F1 et en WSR
3 teams, 3 séries et 3 objectifs différents
il s'est éparpillé mais son objectif premier étant être pilote d'essai 2007, il a un peu négligé la F3 (il a quand même 4 victoires contre 5 à Di Resta)
et Vettel a eu une fracture ouverte d'un doigt à Spa en WSR
donc la saison 2006 de Vettel est quand même très bonne
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Messagede GoBruno le 02 Nov 2006, 10:56

schumi84f1 a écrit:
GoBruno a écrit:C'est difficile à dire.

Dans ceux qui débarquent l'année prochaine, celui sur qui je miserai le plus est Hamilton bien entendu. Je crois aussi que Kovalainen aura a coeur de prouver ce qu'il vaut et il a un an d'expérience de la voiture, gros avantage par rapport a (gros cou) Rosberg si jamais on était tenté (logiquement) de les comparer. Kubica va aussi faire son trou.

Dans les autres, plus jeunes et qui devraient arriver (si les budgets suivent) Di Resta m'a vraiment scotché ...

On a fait un foin de Vettel a un moment donné, ben Di Resta l'a mis sous l'éteignoir à la régulière.

J'aime co ben Bruno Spengler en DTM ... même si j'espère que ce sera un autre Bruno qui me fera vibrer d'ici quelques années en F1 ... :good

comme je l'ai dit plusieurs fois, Di Resta n'a eu que la F3 à penser
Vettel a piloté en F3, en F1 et en WSR
3 teams, 3 séries et 3 objectifs différents
il s'est éparpillé mais son objectif premier étant être pilote d'essai 2007, il a un peu négligé la F3 (il a quand même 4 victoires contre 5 à Di Resta)
et Vettel a eu une fracture ouverte d'un doigt à Spa en WSR
donc la saison 2006 de Vettel est quand même très bonne

Oui oui mais loin de moi l'idée de le dévaloriser.

Mais je trouve qu'on a peu parlé de Di Resta ...
"Racing, competing is in my blood, it's part of me, it's part of my life ...", Ayrton Senna
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Messagede schumi84f1 le 02 Nov 2006, 11:24

GoBruno a écrit:
schumi84f1 a écrit:
GoBruno a écrit:C'est difficile à dire.

Dans ceux qui débarquent l'année prochaine, celui sur qui je miserai le plus est Hamilton bien entendu. Je crois aussi que Kovalainen aura a coeur de prouver ce qu'il vaut et il a un an d'expérience de la voiture, gros avantage par rapport a (gros cou) Rosberg si jamais on était tenté (logiquement) de les comparer. Kubica va aussi faire son trou.

Dans les autres, plus jeunes et qui devraient arriver (si les budgets suivent) Di Resta m'a vraiment scotché ...

On a fait un foin de Vettel a un moment donné, ben Di Resta l'a mis sous l'éteignoir à la régulière.

J'aime co ben Bruno Spengler en DTM ... même si j'espère que ce sera un autre Bruno qui me fera vibrer d'ici quelques années en F1 ... :good

comme je l'ai dit plusieurs fois, Di Resta n'a eu que la F3 à penser
Vettel a piloté en F3, en F1 et en WSR
3 teams, 3 séries et 3 objectifs différents
il s'est éparpillé mais son objectif premier étant être pilote d'essai 2007, il a un peu négligé la F3 (il a quand même 4 victoires contre 5 à Di Resta)
et Vettel a eu une fracture ouverte d'un doigt à Spa en WSR
donc la saison 2006 de Vettel est quand même très bonne

Oui oui mais loin de moi l'idée de le dévaloriser.

Mais je trouve qu'on a peu parlé de Di Resta ...

on avait peu parler de Green aussi :wink:
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Messagede RGS le 07 Nov 2006, 02:58

Voici peut-être un autre nom à retenir : Luiz Razia.

gp2006 a écrit:6 Nov - 07:22

Le GP2 roule à Jerez avec la nouvelle perle Brésilienne

Le GP2 est la formule monoplace la plus active du moment. Aux essais du Paul Ricard la semaine dernière succèdent en effet deux journées de roulage les 6 et 7 Novembre à Jerez de la Frontera. Une session qui permettra de verser certaines pièces aux dossiers des candidats aux baquets 2007, parmi lesquels plusieurs rookies ont ponctuellement fait forte impression.

Seul hic dans le programme, la météorologie andalouse ne réserve pas aux pilotes sa clémence actuelle. Si le soleil devrait aujourd’hui remporter la majeure partie de sa bataille contre les nuages porteurs de pluie, Mardi devrait être l’occasion pour les pilotes de rouler sur une piste humide voire détrempée. Les températures oscilleront quant à elles entre 13°C et 23°C.

Les 13 écuries rouleront en Andalousie. Le benjamin de la bande sera le Brésilien Luiz Razia. A 17 ans, le multiple champion de karting qui a également participé aux championnats de Formule Renault Brésil et F3 Amérique du Sud (6 victoires en 11 courses, Champion F3) pilotera une Dallara de l’écurie Racing Engineering. Razia a attiré l’attention du fondateur et patron de l’écurie, Alfonso de Orleans-Borbon, en remportant les trois courses de F3000 Masters dès sa première apparition dans la discipline, à Estoril dans des conditions climatiques changeantes.

Comme de coutume avec le GP2, les journées seront divisées en deux sessions distinctes : de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 17h.
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Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Messagede RGS le 28 Nov 2006, 04:46

Le 27 novembre 2006, toilef1 a écrit:Un jeune pilote de 17 ans en essai chez BMW : Vietoris

LE pilote allemand Christian Vietoris a remporté la manche finale de Formule BMW sur le circuit de Valence. Le jeune homme de 17 ans a battu 35 autres adversaires venus du monde entier.

Cette victoire couronne une saison exceptionnelle pour Vietoris qui a également gagné en Formule BMW allemande. Comme récompense pour sa performance lors du World Final ce week-end, Vietoris aura la chance de piloter une Formule 1 avec le BMW Sauber F1 Team en 2007.

“C’est un excellent final pour un week-end parfait”, dit Vietoris, qui partait en pole position. “Dès les premiers essais libres, ma voiture a été fantastique. J’ai ainsi eu la chance de me placer premier en qualifications. En course, je suis parvenu à maintenir le même rythme. Je suis maintenant très logiquement impatient d’arriver à cet essai en Formule 1. Je suis un grand fan de Sebastian Vettel.”

Il n’en fallait pas plus pour enchanter Mario Theissen, directeur de BMW.

“Christian Vietoris a maintenant rejoint Sebastian Vettel et Nico Rosberg, qui ont débuté leur belle carrière en monoplace en Formule BMW. Je suis convaincu qu’il a lui aussi le talent pour atteindre l’étape suivante”, dit l’allemand.
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Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Messagede RGS le 30 Nov 2006, 03:50

gp2006 a écrit:29 Nov - 13:24

Willi Weber prend Hülkenberg sous son aile

Michael Schumacher ayant raccroché son casque, l’Allemagne a pris son bâton de pèlerin pour trouver sa nouvelle idole du sport automobile. Rosberg, Vettel, Glock ou Sutil ? Et pourquoi pas Nico Hülkenberg, le benjamin de la bande (19 ans), qui ne cesse de monter en puissance et de faire parler de lui.

Les exploits du natif de Emmerich, en A1GP à Sepang, ne sont pas passés inaperçus le week-end dernier. La prouesse de Nico n’est pas sans rappeler celle de Schumacher à Barcelone en 1996, sous un déluge d’eau, toute proportion gardée.

Directeur de l’écurie A1GP Allemagne, Willi Weber, manager de Michael Schumacher, n’a pas tardé à repérer le talent de Hülkenberg, au point de lui proposer un contrat de pilote mais aussi de management. Nico évoluera la saison prochaine en GP2 au sein de l’écurie Super Nova, dont le patron, David Sears, fut l’un des premiers à être sensible au talent maintes fois démontré et jusqu’à présent jamais démenti. Weber/Hülkenberg un duo à suivre !
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Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Messagede Nicklaus le 30 Nov 2006, 07:51

Le nouveau, nouveau,nouveau, nouveau Schumacher. #sure
Je vous emmerde et je rentre à ma maison
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Messagede schumi84f1 le 30 Nov 2006, 11:33

Hulkenberg a fait une très belle saison F-BMW 2005 :good
http://www.wikif1.org/Championnat_Allem ... e_BMW_2005
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Messagede Solal le 30 Nov 2006, 12:00

J'ai matté sa course à Sepang, sur piste trés humide, il collait 2 sec au meilleurs des autres !
A suivre ce petit jeune !
mec sérieux
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Messagede Seb le 30 Nov 2006, 15:09

Toujours à 20% ?
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C'est bien
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Messagede Uxoros le 14 Déc 2006, 00:07

Un certain Atte Mustonen s'apprête à signer chez RRR en F3 après avoir dominé les essais à Rockingham en octobre dernier.
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Messagede Patrick Bateman le 14 Déc 2006, 08:24

Uxoros a écrit:Un certain Atte Mustonen s'apprête à signer chez RRR en F3 après avoir dominé les essais à Rockingham en octobre dernier.

Un peu tôt pour dire que c'est une pépite. Jusqu'ici il n'a pas vraiment cassé la baraque en FR.
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Patrick Bateman
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Messagede RGS le 06 Fév 2007, 02:53

automoto365 a écrit:February, 5th - 03:35

Hulkenberg F1 bound?

With back to back double round wins in New Zealand and Australian, added to his previous two A1GP round wins already this season, young German racer Nico Hulkenberg could be headed for the big time with reports that long term manager of the now retired legendary Formula One champion, Michael Schumacher, is looking at getting the nineteen year old on the fast track to the pinnacle of Motorsports.

According to Willi Weber, Hulkenberg, who contests the A1GP for Team Germany, is the next German star, despite the fact that several of his countrymen are already contesting the series, such as Nick Heidfeld and Nico Rosberg, not to mention Michael’s own brother, Ralf, while the likes of Sebastian Vettel and Timo Glock are also under contract and the idea is to help him make the move up the ladder as soon as 2008.

However, there is one condition to Weber’s plan, and that is for Hulkenberg to continue his superb performances in A1 and the upcoming Euro F3 Championship. Looking at his recent run of domination, this shouldn’t pose too big a problem….
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Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Messagede RGS le 06 Fév 2007, 02:58

automoto365 a écrit:February, 5th - 04:50

Williams thrilled with Nakajima

Despite the fact that new testing restrictions for the 2007 Formula One season would indicate the lack of need for two test drivers, several teams on this year’s grid are opting for just that, including the Toyota powered ATT WIlliamsF1 team, who have opted to sign Indian driver Narain Karthekeyan as well as Japanese tester, Kazuki Nakajima.

While Nakajima will also contest the GP2 series this season, cancelling him out of most of the Friday free practice sessions for the Formula One events, mainly in Europe, Williams technical Director, Sam Michael, is so impressed with the twenty-two year old’s performances, that he has confirmed that that they will definitely be running him on Friday’s at certain events.

"We will run Kazuki (in Friday testing) at some races," he said. "Kazuki has done a fantastic job. He is really, really impressive...you would be hard pressed to find a race driver do what he has done. His neck is rock solid, he hasn't complained about anything. He is a young kid and is on a really steep learning curve, he has not trashed the car at all, he is fast and consistent. He has really impressed and for a young kid to do that is really superb."

Kazuki is the son of former F1 racer, Satoru Nakajima.
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Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede schumi84f1 le 16 Sep 2008, 15:37

je l'ai retrouvé, sympa de relire certains, ça a que 2 ans mais certains doivent plus se rappeler ce qu'ils ont dit :lol:
moi je défendais déjà Vettel :o
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Inscription: 12 Oct 2004, 20:39
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede Shunt le 16 Sep 2008, 15:51

schumi84f1 a écrit:up
je l'ai retrouvé, sympa de relire certains, ça a que 2 ans mais certains doivent plus se rappeler ce qu'ils ont dit :lol:
moi je défendais déjà Vettel :o

Ouais, n'empêche que j'avais dit que les plus prometteurs c'était Hamilton et Kubica. 1er et 3e du championnat cette année :D
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede Aym le 16 Sep 2008, 15:57

Y'a des visionnaires et des moins visionnaires :D

Les "bien vus" :

SoLaL a écrit:Mais l'année prochaine et en 2008 une nouvelle vague va arriver : Kovalainen, Lewis Hamilton, Piquet Jr, Vettel

Bob Cramer a écrit:Au vu des quelques extraits de courses GP2, Hamilton semble le plus prometteur.

Nuvolari a écrit:Je pense que Kubica est à suivre.

B.Verkiler, parlant d'Hamilton a écrit:Ce n'est pas forcément un problème de débuter contre celui qui est considéré comme la référence. Ca peut même être un avantage.

Cyril a écrit:Kubica a déjà prouvé qu'il était un tout bon. Hamilton a bien dominé le GP2 pour être capable de bonnes perf en F1. Vettel semble aussi excellent...

Nicklaus a écrit:2008 : Vettel dans une Toro Rosso motorisée par BMW pour , je mets une grosse pièce dessus.

Shunt a écrit:Les deux plus intéressants, je pense, ce sont Hamilton et Kubica.

Lewis Hamilton [...] Sur le papier Hamilton a tous les atouts pour réaliser une bonne carrière : vitesse, calme, sang-froid, combativité, intelligence de course.[...] Reste à espérer que son ascension fulgurante ne lui fasse pas péter les plombs.

Robert Kubica, [...] Il est donc psychologiquement armé pour affronter le très haut niveau. Et j'ai l'impression qu'il a gagné en constance

Pour les autres pilotes, je suis plus réservé.

Nelsinho Piquet [...] semble très friable mentalement. C'est un pilote qui a également des absences en course, qui n'est pas très habile dans ses tentatives de dépassement

Heikki Kovalainen ne m'a pas convaincu non plus. Lui aussi est un type rapide, mais c'est un pilote un peu nonchalant qui semble parfois subir les évènements.

Nico Rosberg m'a toujours paru un peu "surcoté". Rapide, oui, mais d'une inconstance effrayante. [...] C'est un pilote qui sur une course peut se révéler extrêmement brillant (on l'a vu à Bahrein cette année). Mais il peut aussi complètement passer à côté.

En dehors des pilotes cités, je pense que les plus prometteurs sont l'Ecossais Paul Di Resta, champion de F3 Euroseries cette saison, l'Allemand Michael Ammermüller, qui a fait ses débuts comme 3e pilote avec RBR, et peut-être le Suisse Sebastien Buemi.

Les "ratés"

SoLaL a écrit:D'autres vieux vont surement quitter la catégorie reine : Barrichello, Fisichella, Coulthard, Heidfeld...

Cyril a écrit:Vous parlez tous comme si Hamilton allait être titularisé en 2007... Ce qui n'est pas encore certain.

Nicklaus a écrit:Ceux qui vont dégager fin 2007 sont Coulthard, Fisichella et Barrichello.
Ralf et Heidfeld sont plus jeunes que les 3 cités et loin d'être à la rue, malgré ce qu'un certaine presse haineuse essaie de faire croire.

schumi84f1 a écrit:j'aurais envie de dire Grosjean mais il est trop nul :D :wink:

Shunt a écrit:Sebastian Vettel est pour moi un pilote un peu "surcoté". Il est prometteur, certes, mais encore très jeune, et j'ai peur qu'il nous fasse une carrière à la Christian Klien.

francis_f a écrit:Hamilton chez McLaren, c'est loin d'être fait.
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede schumi84f1 le 16 Sep 2008, 16:07

pas mal la dernière de Shunt sur Vettel :lol:
moi pour Grosjean, pour l'instant j'ai bon :P
par contre pour Groppi ... :jesors:
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede LS le 16 Sep 2008, 18:29

Bon c'est bien d'avoir le topic prévisionnel
Je ferai une nuance entre pepite et destinée

C'est difficile à expliquer en 3 mots, mais vous devinez que certains sont pré-programmés s'ils sont dans la bonne mouvance, Donc pour le mot releve j'ai eu parfois quelques noms ( j'ai eu bon mais ce n'était pas sorcier, pour Rosberg, Kubica, Hamilton et Vettel, mais je pensais que certrains auraient pu se joindre au circus précedemment comme James Courtnay viré de Jaguar bizarement...ou Jamie Green que je sais sans assez de budget donc ayant pris la mme voie que Paffett chez Mercedes DTM, vous avez oublié de citer Sutil qui a été bien "managé-poussé" , bonne image en 2005/6 et pourtant je craignais car après sa 1ère saison brillante F3 il avait un peu écorné son credit avec des erreurs au moment ou cela aurait du être plus facile.

Si seul le talent comptait j'aurai cru bien plus en ces deux derniers nommés qu'en l'arrivée de Nakajima cette année , merci encore Papa !
Le GP2 2008 est un peu particulier, car mi figue-mi raisin, dans la mesure ou une hièrarchie c'est clairement établie, la dernière course est assez symptomatique de toute la saison , vous retrouvez tous les cadors remontés devant puis en fonction de leur bevue respective dans les points ou pas, mais pour autant leur image plus ou moins embuée.
Pantano plié, Grosjean le plus prometeur et incisif mais trop d'erreurs qui lui sont imputables, reste B.Senna et Buemi , corrects mais pas transcendants, rien de comparable avec la valeur manifesté par Hamilton chez ART au m^me stade. Buemi il a l'avantage d'appartenir à la filière qui rapporte, Filippi grillé, Di Grassi payera ses ratés antèrieurs mais pourra peut-être esperer de Mercedes DTM .

Vous evoquez Ammermuller, alors lui Red Bull lui a payé plusieurs saisons jusqu'a son baquet ASM alors qu'il se faisait régulièrement tapé dans chaque écurie, des chronos très merdiques, les mécanos pas dupes... donc le lot de pilotes Red Bull pille les places. Conway pilote d'essai, OK honnete mais pas des passages au cordeau
Du coup les baquets de F1 (En fait les baquets Toro Rosso ) 2009 dépendants du budget donc difficile d'escompter une arrivée d'une génération prochainement.
Attention à Maldonado , celui là c'est toujours demmerdé pour trouver chaussures à son pied ( ex Dams ) si cela se trouve vous verrez son nom cité comme pilote d'essais, vous savez cela fait partie des operations rentabilisant les déplacements.
Il y a pilote d'essai et n° 3 supposé , Chandlock sera nominé.

Il y a des saisons ou un Championnat révele plus de talents que le suivant pour moi l'Euroserie F3 2004 contenait les protagonistes dont nous entendrions parler (Green, Premat, Lapierre, Rosberg, Hamilton, Perera, Salignon, Kubica, Streit, Duval, Sutil et mm Spengler , 2005 encore pas mal ( Hamilton, Sutil , Di Grassi,...Di Resta oui bof mais aussi Vettel) c'est pour cela que je vous en prie dans les commentaires faciles genre Hamilton a laminé Untel , c'est à prendre avec precaution Untel s'avere bien meilleur que le Champion suivant.
Je sui un peu moins convaincu des promotions suivantes.
Par contre, on suivra avec attention le GP2 2009 pour les rookies attendus issus de la F3 pas encore signés pour le GP2
Nous devinons déjà que 2 noms emergent car pour l'instant les performances suivent en parallele leur gestion de carrière ( et communication donc bruit de fond) : Hulkenberg d'abord puis Bianchi.
Voilà les 2 pilotes qui devraient frapper aux portes de la F1 en 2010/11/12 selon évidement les résultats de la saison prochaine, le germanique avec un an d'avance (pourquoi ? pas de raison objective c'est plus une question de négo budget place GP2 et parce que Bianchi redoublera vraisemblablement la F3 )
Déjà faut être dans la bonne équipe GP2 , bonne pas qu'un problème de constance et qualité . Art entretenait de bonnes relations avec Mercedes puis reçoit les subsides RDD , Arden est plus branché Red Bull ...Racing Ing. ouvert mais si l'un s'y retrouve il aura franchit le rubicon, ce qui peut relancer un autre larron genre Christian Vietoris annoncé comme successeur de Vettel ..Maki est la surprise 2008.
Encore plus tard j'ai l'impression que Waldschmitt fera mieux que G.Van den Garde.
Hors cette filiation, je vous incite a garder un oeil sur J.Alguersuari qui sans vraiment un gros bagage se fait les dents discretement en GB et est coaché avec experience et connaisance.
Les plateaux ne sont pas légion. Les Couts rédhibitoires allegent les séries, resurgissent d'ailleurs des F3 nationales mais pas la même optique
Ici nous avons un spécialiste de WS by R mais je suis au regret de penser qu'il ne s'agit plus d'un vivier car hormis un profil comme C.Pic , la plupart sont en recyclage ce qui au demeurant est jouable (Ex Kovalainen ou Kubica) mais nous n'avons pas une visibilité en perspective.
Je n'ai jamais vu et n'ai aucune information (pas de karting) pour l'Australien Daniel Ricciardo mais il est dans l'équipe qu'il faut a ce stade (Guerin) et déjà dans le cezrcle Red Bull a suivre en F3 prochainement
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede schumi84f1 le 16 Sep 2008, 18:55

oui tiens ça peut être sympa de donner ses nouveaux coups d'oeil, ci-dessous en 3 classes, les super top, les top et ceux pour qui ça peut marché

j'y crois beaucoup :
- Grosjean : avec un titre 2009, ça devrait le faire
- Buemi : déjà en lice pour un bacquet 2009
- Hülkenberg : déjà 3ème pilote Williams
- Vietoris : je le surveille depuis la Formule BMW (quelle superbe formule de promotion)

j'y crois pas mal :
- Maldonado : impressionnant dès qu'il est en Principauté mais bon tous les circuits ne sont pas comme Monaco
- Parente : je comprends pas pourquoi il y est pas encore, un excellent pilote (François pourrait nous en dire plus)

ça peut le faire :
- d'Ambrosio : peut-être celui que la Belgique attend vu qu'apparemment Haylen ça le fait plus
- Senna : ça va surement le faire, merci tonton mais j'y crois pas niveau talent
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede sccc le 16 Sep 2008, 20:28

schumi84f1 a écrit:up
je l'ai retrouvé, sympa de relire certains, ça a que 2 ans mais certains doivent plus se rappeler ce qu'ils ont dit :lol:
moi je défendais déjà Vettel :o

Et Nicklaus encensait Kubiça :lol: ...
"...elles donnent beaucoup de lait vos chèvres mon brave? Les blanches donnent beaucoup de lait...et les noirrres aussi..."
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Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede Maverick le 17 Sep 2008, 08:11

Je m'étais pas gourré non plus. 8-)
Hamilton, champion du monde de F1 moral 2021
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Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede schumi84f1 le 17 Sep 2008, 10:30

Nicklaus a écrit:Maintenant, le plus prometteur est Kubica qui a déjà pu prouver sa valeur en course. Aprés je dirais Hamilton.

Kubica meilleur que Hamilton
donc Nick est peut-être entre les 2 :lol:
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Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede RGS le 23 Jan 2009, 21:13

Le journaliste britannique Paul Crossling cherche à deviner quels sont les dix pilotes en devenir qui ont le talent voulu pour accéder un jour à la formule 1.
Ne peuvent pas être cités ceux qui sont déjà inscrits pour courir en 2009 en GP2 ou en GP2 Asia. Sont également exclus les pilotes essayeurs officiels en F1, ce que n'est pas à proprement parler Paul di Resta puisqu'il n'a piloté la McLaren qu'occasionnellement et davantage pour être évalué que pour améliorer la voiture.

updateF1 a écrit:
Stars of Tomorrow 2009 Part 1

Writing the 2009 version of the Stars of Tomorrow has been by far the hardest yet.

No fewer than twenty-nine different drivers were short listed as potential inclusions fighting over just ten places.

My job was made easier when Earl Bamber, Ranger Van Der Zande, Mika Maki and Chris Van Der Drift were all called up to race for GP2 Asia teams at the season opening race in Shanghi, China. Racing in GP2 or GP2 Asia invalidates a driver for inclusion on the Stars of Tomorrow.

From the remaining drivers the top six basically wrote themselves leaving me with the difficult situation of having nineteen drivers to deserved a place on the list based on their performances in 2008, but only having four places to fit them in.

Somehow I managed to eliminate fifteen of them to make my final ten, I just hope I have made the right decisions and selected the next Michael Schumacher and not the next Yuji Ide.

The chosen drivers will be reviled to you over the course of the next week – two every day, starting tomorrow with numbers ten and nine. Enjoy!


Where is he from?
Gabriel Chaves, better know as “Gabby” is from Colombia, born on July 7 1993. With his inclusion this year at the age of fifteen, he becomes the youngest person ever to appear on the Stars of Tomorrow and the first from the continent of South America.

What Has He Done?
Gabriel started his car career, like most people from the Americas racing under the stewardship of Motorsport legend, Skip Barber. He started of in the Skip Barber Mazda MX5 where he took part in one race, and won it setting fastest lap in the process. He also did one race in Formula Renault 2.0 Colombia here he also won setting fastest lap but this time he did it from pole position.

His main championship in 2007 was Skip Barber Eastern Regional Series in ten races he won five races and a total of seven podiums on his way to second in the championship.

In 2008 he moved about a bit, in the Skip Barber Western Regional Series he competed in two races, winning both with a pole and a fastest lap as well. In the Skip Barber National Series he won three of his five races and was fourteenth after competing less than a third of the series.

His most successful spell was in the Skip Barber Southern Regional Series, where his record speaks for its self, ten races and ten wins and his way the title. He also finished fourth in the Formula BMW Pacific Championship, finishing fourth with three podiums and no wins. His success earned him a place in the Formula BMW World Final where he finished fourteenth.

His career statistics: 53 race starts, 22 wins, 30 podiums and eight poles.

What is He Doing Now?
Formula One works mainly in Europe so a young driver needs to get their attention racing on their doorstep as soon as possible, although he has not announced a drive for 2009 he will hopefully race in Formula BMW in Europe and then move to Formula Three in 2010 once he reaches the minimum age limit.

My Prediction for the Future
Number ten is traditionally becoming the number where I stake my reputation with gambles. In 2007 we had a driver that I did not rate highly and in 2008 and drive that I admitted that I had never heard of, but 2009 is the biggest gamble of them all.

As stated above Gabriel is only fifteen years old and still racing in National Championships in Colombia, therefore the is still the great possibility that he will move north into America and go oval racing in the Indy Racing League.

Hopefully he will decide to move north-east to Europe and compete in Formula Three, but whatever he does after watching videos on his website I am convinced that he has the talent to become a mega-star.

Gabriel still has a very long way to go before he can take Europe by storm (in fact he is still under the minimum age to race in Formula Three) but a strong 2009 then a move to Europe will set him on his way


Where is he from?
Alexander Sims in a twenty year old British driver born on March 15 1988.

What Has He Done?
His car career started in 2006, where he only did four races in the Formula Renault 2.0 UK Winter Series he scored one podium and took ninth place in the championship.

2007 saw him move to the main Formula Renault 2.0 UK series where one win and three podiums gave him eighth place in the series. He also raced in the Championnat de France Formula Renault 2.0 four races gave him nineteenth in the championship

He started 2008 as the favourite to win the Formula Renault 2.0 UK Championship, but after two wins and ten other podiums he was narrowly pipped for the title and was forced to settle for second, despite scoring more outright points and only losing out because of dropped scores.

After his successful year in Formula Renault he was awarded with the highest honour available to a young British racing driver, as he was voted the McLaren Autosport Young Driver of the Year. His prize includes a test in a McLaren Formula One car and £50 000 to fund his racing career.

His career statistics: 64 race starts, three wins, 16 podiums and two poles.

What is He Doing Now?
At the Autosport Awards where he won his Young Driver of the Year Award he announced that for 2009 he would be racing in the Formula Three Euroseries with Mucke Motorsport working alongside his team-mate fellow British driver, and Star of Tomorrow, Sam Bird.

My Prediction for the Future
The Formula Three Euroseries is traditionally a series that takes two years to win, so a solid year this year will put him in a great position to challenge for the title in 2010. Although he is with the front running Mucke Motorsport race wins would be asking a bit much of him, his targets for 2009 should be a top ten championship finish and, of course, beat his Formula Renault 2.0 UK and Autosport Awards rival from 2008, Adam Christodoulou, who also makes the step up.

Written by Paul Crossling on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 17:16:32

updateF1 a écrit:
Stars of Tomorrow 2009 Part 2

Day two of Stars of Tomorrow 2009 gives you number eight and seven, possibly the next Kimi Raikkonen and the next Mario Andretti


Where is he from?
Valtteri Bottas is yet another great Motorsport talent coming from Finland hoping to follow in the footsteps of Kimi Riakkonen, Mika Hakkinen and countless rally drivers. He is nineteen years old and was born on August 28 1989 in Helsinki.

What Has He Done?
Valtteri started in racing career in the Formula Renault 2.0 UK Winter Series where from four races he took four podiums, including three wins however he was not eligible to score championship points due to the fact that he was not a MSA licence holder.

In 2007 he raced in Formula Renault 2.0 NEC two wins gave him third in the championship, on a return to the series in 2008 he dominated it taking twelve wins out of fourteen races. If that was not enough he also raced in Formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup taking that championship as well after five wins from fourteen starts.

After his Formula Renault success he was offered a place in the Renault Young Driver Development Programme that have helped drivers such as Fernando Alonso, Romain Grosjean and Lucas Di Grassi move up the Motorsport ladder, however he turned it down.

What is He Doing Now?
On January 1st he quoted in Autosport Magazine as saying that he was “99 per cent certain” of a drive for the multi championship winning ART Grand Prix in the Formula Three Euroseries, his drive for ART was confirmed just a few days later on January 6th.

His career statistics: 48 race starts, 22 wins, 32 podiums and 22 poles.

My Prediction for the Future
Finland have a strangely great record of proving top level motor racing and rally talent, Valtteri Bottas could be the next one, turning down the Renault Young Driver Development Programme could hold him back in the short term, but long term in could be a good decision.

Renault already have two of their drivers in their Formula One seats in Alonso and Nelson Piquet and with Grosjean and Di Grassi stuck in GP2 with little change of getting a seat, staying away from this will give him a better opportunity to Formula One with a different team rather than joining a long queue for a Renault seat.

For 2009, his ART Grand Prix seat will give him the chance to win once his is acclimatized to Formula Three racing as Jules Bianchi proved during 2008.


Where is he from?
Alexander Rossi is a seventeen year old American, born on September 25 1991 in Auburn, California.

What Has He Done?
In 2006 Alexander started his career at the world famous Skip Barber School of Racing, winning the Skip Barber Western Regional Series after taking eight wins in twelve races and then wining three races on his way to third place in the Skip Barber National Championship.

His performances earned him a place in the Skip Barber Southern Regional Run-Offs where he finished seventh after starting on pole position.

2007 saw him move up to Formula BMW USA another strong season saw him finish third in the championship again after taking three wins, however he failed to finish at his first attempt in the Formula BMW World Final.

He became the Formula BMW Americas Champion after taking ten wins from fifteen starts, before going on the win the Formula BMW World Final at the second attempt.

His career statistics: 71 race starts, 29 wins, 37 podiums and 30 poles.

What is He Doing Now?
He says that it is still too early to tell which series he will be racing in, in 2009 but he has taken the time to deny rumours stating he has agreed to drive for Euro International in European Formula BMW Series

My Prediction for the Future
When Red Bull wanted a young American driver in Formula One they gave us Scott Speed, the difference between Red Bull and BMW is that BMW have found one with great talent and potential.

His prize for winning the Formula BMW World Final is a test in a BMW Formula One car, likely to take place at the end of the 2009 season, but if he is going to keep his momentum going he needs to move to Europe and race in one of the top Formula Thee Championships during 2009

Written by Paul Crossling on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 17:04:14

updateF1 a écrit:
Stars of Tomorrow 2009 Part 3

Mid-week gives us the middle of the list, oen just missed out on the top half in sixth and another just sneeked into fifth.


Where is he from?
Oliver Turvey is from Penrith in Cumbria, Great Britain. He is twenty one years old and was born on April 1 1987.

What Has He Done?
He started car racing back in 2004 competing in the Formula BMW UK championship where he finished seventh wining one race, he took a step backwards in 2005 when a return to the championship dropped him to eighth place with no wins, and twenty-second place in the Formula BMW World Final.

2006 was a better year, his third in Formula BMW UK where after five wins he was second in the championship, his improvement continued during his second attempt at the Formula BMW World Final, where he finished in sixth place.

He had another disappointing year in 2007, where he competed in three different championship but failed to win a race, he was ninth in the Formula Renault 2.0 Italy championship, eighth in the Formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup championship and when he made his Formula 3 debut in the Asia Pacific championship, he did three races and was seventh overall.

A full time move to Formula Three followed in 2008 as he drove for the Carlin Motorsport team in the British championship. He finished second despite leading the championship for most of the season and then rounded off the year with seventh place in the Macau Grand Prix.

His career statistics: 109 race starts, ten wins, 37 podiums and 13 poles.

What is He Doing Now?
He is yet to announce his plans for 2009, however he hopes to gain the second seat at iSport in GP2, alongside confirmed Bahraini driver Hamad al Fardan. However it appears more likely that he will move to World Series by Renault and link up again with the Carlin Motorsport team that he ran with in British Formula Three in 2008, working again with 2008 team-mate Jamie Alguersuari.

My Prediction for the Future
Oliver is quite old (in comparison to other “Stars of Tomorrow drivers”) so if he does not get a top GP2 a drive or a championship winning car in World Series by Renault he could struggle to move up.

A lack of budget has held Oliver back so far in his career so hopefully he will be find enough money to find something competitive for 2009


Where is he from?
Marcus Ericsson is an eighteen year old from Sweden. He was born on September 2 1990 in Kumla.

What Has He Done?
He has only had one year racing in cars following a very successful karting career. He won the British Formula BMW championship from a very strong field of very talented young drivers, securing the championship the last round of the season on his seventeenth birthday after taking seven wins.

It later emerged that he will be the last ever British Formula BMW champion and the British series will be merged with the German series to create Formula BMW Euroseries for 2008.

His 2008 season was a mix of success and failure, in his twenty-two races he finished on the podium five times during the season and although he failed to take his maiden win he came close, including spinning off the track while leading at Brands Hatch.

Despite all that he still finished fifth in the series as the second best non-Carlin runner. A switch to Carlin for the Macau Grand Prix should have brought success but he was involved in a first lap accident and retired.

His career statistics: 41 race starts, seven wins, 18 podiums and 13 poles.

What is He Doing Now?
For 2009 Marcus is going to Japan, instead of racing for the all dominant Carlin team in British Formula Three. He will be racing for another all dominant team, Toyota Team TOM’s, a team that have guided many drivers to the Japanese Formula Three Championship and Macau Grand Prix wins.

My Prediction for the Future
Marcus is back for a third year in a row, but he has dropped from his number one spot from 2008 to number four, but another poor decision that worries me, in 2008 he was given the opportunity to join eventual champions ART in the Formula Three Euroseries and decided to join Fortec in British Formula Three. This year he was offered a seat at the dominant British Formula Three Champions from 2008, Carlin Motorsport but he has chosen to join multi-title winning Toyota Team TOM’s in Japanese Formula Three.

To keep his career on track he ideally needs to win the title, as many TOM’s drivers have in the past, and then win the Macau Grand Prix to keep in the attention of the top European GP2 teams over the preferred move in 2010, however the last Japanese Formula Three Champion to make it to Formula One was Adrian Sutil in 2006, and before that it was Pedro De La Rosa back in 1995

Written by 6 on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 17:06:40

updateF1 a écrit:
Stars of Tomorrow 2009 Part 4

We are now getting very close to the end, the top two will be announced tomorrow but first it is time for numbers four and three.


Where is he from?
Jules Bianchi is nineteen years old, born August 3 1989 in Nice, France. He is the is the grandson of Mauro Bianchi who is a 3 times World Champion in the GT category, and the nephew of Lucien Bianchi who won the 1968 24 Hours of Le Mans and competed in nineteen Grands Prix in Formula One, and scored a podium finish in the 1968 Monaco Grand Prix.

What Has He Done?
He has only had one year as a car driver and his debut came in the 2007 Formula Renault 2.0 France championship where he took the championship after five wins out of thirteen starts.

His second season in cars made his a house-hold name among Junior Motorsport experts. It all started in August when he beat his more experienced ART Grand Prix team leader, Nico Hulkenberg, in a straight fight to win the Masters of Formula Three at Zolder.

This win helped him towards a total of two wins and seven podiums for the season that saw him finish third in the championship.

His career statistics: 41 race starts, eight wins, 19 podiums and eight poles.

What is He Doing Now?
For 2009 Jules is remaining in the Formula Three Euroseries with ART Grand Prix taking over the mantle of team leader now Nico Hulkenberg has moved on, where he aims to follow his team-mate in becoming champion.

My Prediction for the Future
Last year I said Charles Pic would be the next big French star after Romain Grosjean, I was wrong, as you can tell from my follow up of the Stars of Tomorrow from 2008 I still think that Charles has a huge future but Jules will be the new big hope for the nation (despite also qualifying for Italian citizenship).

With Nico Hulkenberg heading to the GP2 series, Jules will be the ART Grand Prix hope for the Formula Three Euroseries title, but following Nico and Lewis Hamilton who have both dominated for ART/ASM he has some very big shoes to fill, 2009 will be a big year for him to see if he can handle the pressure.


Where is he from?
Jamie Alguersuari was born on March 23 1990 in Barcelona, Spain, and just eighteen years old has been likened to Renault Formula One driver Fernando Alonso as the next big hope for Spanish Motorsport.

What Has He Done?
Despite his young age, Jamie has a long career history. It all started in 2005 when he raced in Formula Junior 1600 Italy taking third in the championship after two wins.

He improved on this during the winter when he won Formula Renault 2.0 Italy Winter series taking four wins and four poles out of four races. He spilt his time in 2006 with poor results as a result. He was tenth in Formula Renault 2.0 Italy and twelve in Formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup.

In 2007 he stayed in the same to championships and did slightly better. He was second in Formula Renault 2.0 Italy after taking three wins, while he was fifth in Formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup.

2008 was his best year, he moved to Britain to race in Formula Three, and walked away with the title, becoming the youngest British Formula Three champion in history, after a long fight with Carlin team mates and fellow Stars of Tomorrow, Brendon Hartley and Oliver Turvey.

Through out the season completed in the two big Formula Three races, he was eighth in the Masters of Formula 3 at Zolder and tenth in the Macau Grand Prix.

After his championship glory he was given another huge honour in December when he was invited to participate in the Race of Champions. He was part of an All-Star team with Moto GP rider Troy Bayliss, replacing the injured Mark Webber.

His Race of Champions adventure did not go according to plan. He was beaten by David Coulthard in his heat of the Nations Cup before losing to NASCAR racer Carl Edwards in the first round of the Champion of Champions event.

His career statistics: 107 race starts, 17 wins, 35 podiums and 17 poles.

What is He Doing Now?
He has yet to confirm plans for 2009, however a reunion with Carlin Motorsport who he won the British Formula Three Championship with in 2008 in World Series by Renault seams all but announced.

My Prediction for the Future
As stated above Jamie is expected to be the next big hope for Spanish Motorsport following Fernando Alonso, turning down the GP2 seat for 2009 could be the best thing he has ever done.

A lot of drivers with great potential since 2005 have seen their careers stall or subside due to spending a year in GP2 in uncompetitive cars; a prime example would be another Spaniard by the name of Andy Soucek. Jamie was offered a seat at Arden International, Trident and Ocean Racing Technology but turned them down.

For a young driver it is important to win and win big every year, Jamie is realistic to know that neither of the three GP2 teams that wanted him would give him a shot at the title, so going to World Series by Renault and staying with the Carlin Motorsport team he is very familiar with gives him chances to win and compete for the title, GP2 can wait until 2010, a good year in World Series by Renault could lead to him getting a drive in a top team.

Written by Paul Crossling on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 17:00:04

updateF1 a écrit:
Stars of Tomorrow 2009 Part 5

It is now Friday!, after a long week counting down you have seen eight drivers named, now it is time for numbers two and one.


Where is he from?
Esterban Gutierrez is from Argentina, born on August 5 1991 in Buenos Aires.

What Has He Done?
Esterban started in career racing in America in Formula BMW USA where he was second after claiming four wins leading to a place in the Formula BMW World Final, which resulted in a disappointing twenty-fifth place finish.

For a South American to be successful in Formula One he needs to move to Europe as soon as possible, Esterban made that move for 2008 and began racing in the new Formula BMW Europe created by the merger of the British and German Formula BMW championships.

He won half the races during the season taking seven out of fourteen possible wins and in the end cruising to the title that he had lead since the second weekend.

He ended his season with another appearance in the Formula BMW World Final finishing third this time.

His career statistics: 38 race starts, 11 wins, 22 podiums and 13 poles.

What is He Doing Now?
On January 5th it was announced that Esterban would be stepping up to the Formula Three Euroseries for 2009, he is joining champion team ART Grand Prix as one of their four drivers, another two already being featured in the 2009 Stars of Tomorrow and the other (Adrian Tambay) only just missing out on a place in the top ten.

My Prediction for the Future
For a long time Esterban was going to be number one, and I am sure he would have been a very good number one but, then McLaren Formula One entered into a working relationship with Force India and as a result he was pushed down to number two (see below).

Throughout his great season I have become more and more impressed with him and after fifty years, Argentina finally has a new guy that can be successful in single-seater Motorsport. He has to move to Formula Three in 2009, his decision as to which championship and which team will go a long way to deciding his long team success.


Where is he from?
Paul Di Resta was born in West Lothian, Scotland on April 16 1986, at the age of twenty-two he is the oldest driver in Stars of Tomorrow history, some seven years older than the youngest.

His cousin in Scottish racing driver Dario Franchitti, the former Indycar and Indianapolis 500 Champion winning both in 2007.

What Has He Done?
Paul is now well known for his touring car racing with his DTM exploits but his career started in Formula Renault 2.0 UK back in 2003. He won a race in that year and was seventh in the championship. He followed that up with four wins and third place in 2004.

He then made the move to Formula Three Euroseries finishing tenth in his rookie season but an impressive fourth in the Masters of Formula 3 still held at Zandvoort at this point.

In 2006 his won the championship with five wins and the Masters of Formula 3 at Zandvoort, a perfect year could have been capped off with victory in the Macau Grand Prix, however he failed to finish the race.

With no GP2 seats becoming available for him in 2007, he was force to move to the German Touring Car Championship, known as DTM he finished fifth in his first year with no wins and then second in 2008 with two wins and was just pipped to the title in the last race of the season.

During his Formula Three Euroseries days, and even during his time in DTM he was a sporadic and rare test driver for the McLaren Formula One team, but was never officially given the job of test driver.

His career statistics: 104 race starts, 13 wins, 34 podiums and 15 poles.

What is He Doing Now?
With the McLaren “agreement” with Force India in Formula One is was expected that Paul would be placed in a race seat with the team or a GP2 team, Current Force India drivers Giancarlo Fisichella and Adrian Sutil both appear to be safe so Paul is expected to become a Force India test driver in 2009 with a drive in GP2 thrown in.

My Prediction for the Future
OK, so this may be cheating at bit. We all know how highly rated he is by McLaren and with their working relationship of Force India a Formula One drive seams as if it will come sooner rather than later for Paul, with at least a GP2 drive expected this year.

However he has not raced in GP2 or Formula One, despite many testing days in both categories and (according to the official McLaren Formula One website) he is not an official test driver for the team, therefore he has not invalidated himself for selection on this list, so technically it is not cheating to include him although you all read this list to find the next big unknown superstar.

Written by Paul Crossling on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 16:41:49
Messages: 7690
Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmis la relève ?

Messagede Ghinzani le 23 Jan 2009, 21:20

schumi84f1 a écrit:pas mal la dernière de Shunt sur Vettel :lol:
moi pour Grosjean, pour l'instant j'ai bon :P
par contre pour Groppi ... :jesors:

oui en fait il ya certes les " visionnaires et lesautres mais si on change le critère il ya ceuxqui osent pronostiquer et ceuxqui jugenr après en n'ayant rien oser avant. :?
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2005, 18:38

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede RGS le 23 Jan 2009, 21:22

A titre indicatif, Paul Crossling a commencé par jeter un regard en arrière sur les prévisions qu'il avait émises un an auparavant.

updateF1 a écrit:
Stars of Tomorrow 2008 followup
How the furute stars performed

Over the winter last year, I wrote a “Stars of Tomorrow” countdown. It featured the top ten drivers that I feel will be making up a Formula One grid in years to come. I gave my self a few rules regarding which drivers could and could not be entered. Basically the only drivers that were exempt were GP2 drivers and regular Formula One testers.

Now the season is over I will revisit the ten drivers and based on their 2008 performances reassess my opinion and predictions for their future.

10. Charles Pic

I admitted that by including Charles I have taking a risk, he was a driver that I was unfamiliar with and only knew from some World Series by Renault tests, but I have not been disappointed.

He took victory at Monaco, a true test of driver ability at any level and was a steady points scorer throughout the season, taking two wins on his way to sixth in the championship

I predicted that he would be one of the next big stars from France, he still has some work to do before that happens but a second year in World Series and he could be a contender for the title and that all important Renault Formula One test drive, that has propelled Heikki Kovalainen and Robert Kubica into the sights of the top Formula One teams.

He had a test for GP2 team iSport on October 29 finishing ninth and eleventh in the days two sessions, he returned on October 30 this time for ART where in finished fourth in both the morning and the afternoon sessions.

Piquet Sports was his destination for a test on November 11, he was twenty-third in the morning and fifth in the afternoon and on November 12 he was at Super Nova where he was eighteenth and fourteenth respectively.

He returned to World Series by Renault on November 28 still driving for the Tech1 team that powered him in 2008, he ended the day in fifth place.

9. Jules Bianchi

I expected a lot from Jules in his first year of Euroseries Formula Three, but he has managed to exceed all of them. He is driving what is effectively the third ART car behind Nico Hulkenberg and James Jakes, and he has regularly beaten Jakes and been Hulkenberg’s closest rival. He took two wins and finished the season tied for second with Championship contender, Eduardo Mortara, taking more points that team mates Jakes and Jon Lancaster combined.

We saw that in the Master of Formula Three at Zolder, when Hulkenberg was beaten off the line by Bianchi and then could do nothing about his French team-mate. His most impressive drive was at Barcelona where he went from twenty-seventh on the grid to finish third.

At the start of the season I predicted that he would have a great year and take over the lead drive for ART in 2009 when Hulkenberg inevitably goes to GP2. After his performances this season I think he has the talent to make the jump to GP2 himself in 2009 but he will be best suited to another year for ART in the Formula Three Euroseries, news that was confirmed in January.

8. Eduardo Mortara

Mortara himself a target for 2008: to win the Formula Three Euroseries Championship. I thought this was well out of his reach, but he has proved me wrong. OK, so he did not win the title but he still finished tied in second and lead the championship for a long time.

I predicted that he would win a few races and attract the attention of some GP2 teams for 2009, if he has the budget.

His GP2 chance came on October 29 where he tested for Trident finishing nineteenth in both sessions, on October 30 he moved to Arden to again finish nineteenth in the morning before improving to seventh in the afternoon.

7. Sam Bird

Every year I have a driver that I spend all winter hyping up and then he lets me down. This year that dubious honour goes to Sam Bird. I predicted that he could do well in the Formula Three Euroseries after a good year in British Formula Three in 2007, and establish himself as the next big British star.

In contrast, he has only stood on the Formula Three Euroseries podium twice and ended the season languishing down in eleventh place in the championship. It could have been even worse, if it was not for a couple of strong drives in the last few events

Despite his disappointing, in my view, 2008 season he still did enough to impress several GP2 teams. He made his GP2 debut on September 25 and was fifth and twelfth fastest driving for DAMS. He returned on September 26 and was forth fastest in the morning.

On December 11 it was announced that Bird would be staying in the Formula Three Euroseries in 2009, moving from Manor Motorsport to the front running Mucke Motorsport, where he hopes to become the champion.

6. Atte Mustonen

Atte is another driver that disappointed me this year, he has been a regular points scorer in British Formula Three the only problem is he has been down at the lower end of the points.

I expected Riakkonen-Robertson Racing to be the main challenger to Carlin this year, but despite that Atte has only taken one win and four other podiums and ended the season sixth in points.

Preseason I felt that GP2 in 2009 would be too much too soon, and I stand by that. Atte’s best hope will be to stay with Riakkonen-Robertson Racing or move to a competitive Euroseries Formula Three team, where he can improve his skills and earn himself so recognition form the GP2 paddock.

In January it was reported that he would move to the Formula Three Euroseries and race with new team Motopark Academy

5. Brendon Hartley

Preseason I said that it will be interesting to see if Brendon has the talent to put in top class performances week in and week out, and he has certainly shown that he does have the talent.

He took five wins and a total of eleven podiums in his first full season in British Formula Three on his way to third in the championship. Towards the end of the season he put in some guest drivers for his Carlin Motorsport team in the Euroseries Formula Three championship, and showed that he has what it takes to mix it with those guys despite not scoring any points.

I was disappointed that despite he Red Bull sponsorship he was not offered a test with the Red Bull backed Arden GP2 team in September, but he needs another season to fully be ready for GP2, more than likely doing a full Euroseries Formula Three season in 2009.

When Mark Webber broke his leg in November, Brendon was called-up as a replacement to the Red Bull Formula One team. He tested at Jerez on 15 December and after completing ninety-five laps he ended up third out of five drivers.

In January it was announced that Brendon would move to the Formula Three Euroseries, staying with Carlin Motorsport.

4. Christian Vietoris

I expected Christian to be fighting Nico Hulkenberg for the Euroseries Formula Three championship this season, but it has not happened.

Christian has still been near the front taking one win on his way to eighth in the championship but in the early rounds of the season he was outperformed by rookie team mate Mika Maki before eventually beating him.

He also took a win in January driving for A1GP Team Germany at Taupo, therefore becoming the youngest person to ever win an A1GP race.

His ranking of eighth place could have improved. In the final event of the season he was excluded after qualifying for being underweight, but took the start under appeal and finished second. Had his appeal been successful he would have gained an extra eight points and move up to sixth place in the final standings, however it was rejected.

3. Josef Kral

I took a gamble including Josef originally, especially as high as number three and thought that I had made a huge mistake when no Formula Three teams in Britain and Europe taking on Josef for 2008, but he has found a drive in International Formula Master and therefore got a foot onto the less traditional ladder.

He had a slow start to the season after missing out on preseason, but towards the end he took a win, and completed the season in sixth place. If he keeps performing as well as his has in the second half of this season he could be a contender for the International Formula Master championship next year, which comes with the promise of a Honda Formula One test drive for the champion.

2. Robert Wickens

I had hoped Robert could be a contender in World Series by Renault this year, but again it was not to be. He made a slow start to the season and alter spent the rest of the season splitting his time between World Series by Renault, where he took one win on his way to twelfth from and Euroseries Formula Three where he raced in fifteen of the twenty races taking a win and fifteenth in the championship.

He has shown some great potential in 2008 and if he has a good run in A1GP and chooses one championship for 2009 he could again be a front runner and at the age of nineteen he still has time to move up the ladder.

Robert has chosen just one championship for 2009, and it will be the first of the new era of the Formula Two Championship. In December he was one of the first drivers to be announced, continuing his Red Bull association, and with most of his rivals being relatively unknowns he has a good opportunity to win the championship and earn the Williams Formula One test drive.

1. Marcus Ericsson

Marcus has had a respectable rookie season in British Formula Three, he may not have won any races, but he has come close on a few occasions and taken five podiums. In a series where the Carlin cars have been far better than anything else he finished and impressive sixth in the championship and was the second non-Carlin driver in his rookie season.

He made his GP2 debut on September 26, driving for iSport, he was twenty-third in the morning, improving to twelfth in the afternoon.

I do not think that Marcus would be ready for a GP2 drive in 2009, his testing times show that even in the best car he will be nothing better than a mid-field runner, at least in the early season and I would far prefer him to have another shot at winning in British Formula Three before he makes the jump, or preferably accepts a ART drive in the Formula Three Euroseries, that he reportedly turned down at the start of 2008.

In December it was announced that Marcus would be heading to Japanese Formula Three in 2009, to drive for the multi-title winning Toyota Team TOMS’s, as he aims to win the championship plus the Macau Grand Prix.

Written by Paul Crossling on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 14:05:17
Messages: 7690
Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede RGS le 13 Aoû 2009, 03:34

Des nouvelles en provenance du Red Bull Junior Team :
http://www.autohebdo.fr/f1/f1/article-2 ... es-pilotes
Messages: 7690
Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede RGS le 27 Aoû 2009, 01:35

Red Bull a des vues sur le jeune pilote australien Daniel Ricciardo :
http://www.f1central.fr/actualites/1/83 ... ardio.html
Messages: 7690
Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede Cyril le 27 Aoû 2009, 08:37

Plus que des vues, puisque il fait parti de la Red Bull Junior Team.
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Messages: 45593
Inscription: 19 Fév 2003, 12:11

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede ayrtonforever le 27 Aoû 2009, 16:29

Edoardo Mortara fait son bonhomme de chemin, il devrait arriver en F1 dans les prochaines saisons
Julien forever
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Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede Cyril le 27 Aoû 2009, 16:34

Pour l'instant, j'avoue qu'il m'a un peu déçu pour sa première saison en GP2. A voir ce qu'il fait l'an prochain, avec un peu plus de bouteille.
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Messages: 45593
Inscription: 19 Fév 2003, 12:11

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede RGS le 16 Oct 2009, 05:08

Dimanche dernier, le bordelais Arnaud Kozlinski est devenu champion du monde de karting en Super KF, qui est la catégorie la plus élevée dans cette discipline :
http://www.autonewsinfo.com/index.php?o ... Itemid=222
Messages: 7690
Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede RGS le 16 Oct 2009, 05:19

Le nom de l'Américain Jonathan Summerton circule parfois comme titulaire possible ou comme essayeur chez USF1 en 2010 mais il a en John Edwards un jeune et vaillant rival :
http://www.auto123.com/fr/course-automo ... tid=112284
Messages: 7690
Inscription: 05 Nov 2005, 02:06

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede Cyril le 16 Oct 2009, 08:03

RGS a écrit:Dimanche dernier, le bordelais Arnaud Kozlinski est devenu champion du monde de karting en Super KF, qui est la catégorie la plus élevée dans cette discipline :
http://www.autonewsinfo.com/index.php?o ... Itemid=222

Kozlinski a 28 ans, il est pilote pro en kart depuis des années... Je le vois mal arriver un jour en F1.
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Messages: 45593
Inscription: 19 Fév 2003, 12:11

Re: Une pépite parmi la relève ?

Messagede Shunt le 16 Oct 2009, 08:46

RGS a écrit:Le nom de l'Américain Jonathan Summerton circule parfois comme titulaire possible ou comme essayeur chez USF1 en 2010 mais il a en John Edwards un jeune et vaillant rival :
http://www.auto123.com/fr/course-automo ... tid=112284

Summerton et Edwards ont du repartir en Formule Atlantic après avoir échoué en Europe, où ils bénéficiaient pourtant de bons volants, grâce au soutien de Red Bull. Edwards, lancé très jeune en Europe, s'est noyé dans les pelotons de Formule Renault. Summerton, lui avait fait équipe avec Buemi en F3 Euroseries en 2006 chez Mücke. Il n'avait pas été ridicule face au Suisse, mais pas transcendant non plus. Il avait gagné une course en fin de saison à Hockenheim. Non seulement USF1 paraît bien faible sur le papier, mais s'ils partent en plus avec deux pilotes aussi inexpérimentés et moyens, ils vont vraiment en chier. C'est de la F1, hein, pas du Champ Car.
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Inscription: 21 Fév 2003, 11:58
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