Topic sur les attentats du 11 septembre

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Topic sur les attentats du 11 septembre

Messagede Albator le 17 Avr 2006, 17:15

Dernière édition par Albator le 12 Avr 2009, 18:27, édité 1 fois.
La chevalerie n’est pas née de la force,
mais de la résistance à la force

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Messagede Albator le 18 Avr 2006, 22:59

Si vous comprenez l'anglais prennez le temps (1hrs 21 minutes)
Une petite heure bien investie. :wink:
La chevalerie n’est pas née de la force,
mais de la résistance à la force

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Messagede Hugues le 19 Avr 2006, 10:16

Merci pour l'intention Albator.

Car en fait on a déjà débattu de ce documentaire sur le sujet Moussaoui, f1pronostics avait donné un lien semblable: ... 780#514780

Merci quand même ;)

Pour ceux qui n'ont pas jeté un oeil dessus, c'est une video dénommée Loose Change 9/11 qui tente de montrer l'implication du gouvernement américain dans les attentats du 11 septembre.



Messagede sccc le 19 Avr 2006, 13:23

Peut-on télécharger ce film?
"...elles donnent beaucoup de lait vos chèvres mon brave? Les blanches donnent beaucoup de les noirrres aussi..."
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Messagede Hugues le 19 Avr 2006, 13:26

Sur le lien Google Video, tu peux télécharger la vidéo par le bouton à droite. Je ne pense pas que cette mise en ligne sur Google Video soit bien légale de la part de la personne qui l'a faite, mais profites-en... (Les plus précautionneux d'entre nous diront que c'est risquer d'être accusé recel :P)


Messagede Ze le 19 Avr 2006, 13:51

il faut télécharger le fichier google, l'ouvrir avec un editeur de texte, recoper l'adresse presente apres "id:" et copier cetet adresse dans le navigateur : resultat : download de la video en format AVI
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Messagede Albator le 20 Avr 2006, 03:43

sccc a écrit:Peut-on télécharger ce film?

LimeWire XVid Haute Résolution.
La chevalerie n’est pas née de la force,
mais de la résistance à la force

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Messagede Cortese le 20 Avr 2006, 08:48

Bon, moi je ne vois pas du tout comment faire. Je n'ai même pas pu lire vraiment la résolution est si faible.
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Inscription: 23 Fév 2003, 20:32

Messagede sccc le 20 Avr 2006, 20:26

Je l'ai vu et écouté mais un peu en accéléré.

Ce ne sont pas les arguments techniques qui m'interpellent, ce sont les évocations de scénarios similaires décrites au début du film, notamment le scénario proposé à McNamara pour Cuba. Or si à l'époque, une certaine réserve, bon sens ou morale (?) ont permis d'écarter des extrémités pareilles (la CIA est sans doute payée pour évoquer toutes les options dans une crise), je ne sens plus de frein dans l'administration actuelle.

Et je me retrouve à imaginer une IMMENSE conspiration (car elle doit vraiment avoir été immense et organisée des années à l'avance par des pouvoirs occultes - Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney et Co plus toutes les "loges maçoniques" et lobbies avoués et inavoués américains), lentement mais sûrement préparée.

J'ai peur.
"...elles donnent beaucoup de lait vos chèvres mon brave? Les blanches donnent beaucoup de les noirrres aussi..."
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Messagede Cortese le 20 Avr 2006, 20:31

sccc a écrit:Je l'ai vu et écouté mais un peu en accéléré.

Ce ne sont pas les arguments techniques qui m'interpellent, ce sont les évocations de scénarios similaires décrites au début du film, notamment le scénario proposé à McNamara pour Cuba. Or si à l'époque, une certaine réserve, bon sens ou morale (?) ont permis d'écarter des extrémités pareilles (la CIA est sans doute payée pour évoquer toutes les options dans une crise), je ne sens plus de frein dans l'administration actuelle.

Et je me retrouve à imaginer une IMMENSE conspiration (car elle doit vraiment avoir été immense et organisée des années à l'avance par des pouvoirs occultes - Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney et Co plus toutes les "loges maçoniques" et lobbies avoués et inavoués américains), lentement mais sûrement préparée.

J'ai peur.

On dirait que ton opinion a évolué, sccc ?
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Inscription: 23 Fév 2003, 20:32

Messagede sccc le 20 Avr 2006, 20:49

Cortese a écrit:
sccc a écrit:Je l'ai vu et écouté mais un peu en accéléré.

Ce ne sont pas les arguments techniques qui m'interpellent, ce sont les évocations de scénarios similaires décrites au début du film, notamment le scénario proposé à McNamara pour Cuba. Or si à l'époque, une certaine réserve, bon sens ou morale (?) ont permis d'écarter des extrémités pareilles (la CIA est sans doute payée pour évoquer toutes les options dans une crise), je ne sens plus de frein dans l'administration actuelle.

Et je me retrouve à imaginer une IMMENSE conspiration (car elle doit vraiment avoir été immense et organisée des années à l'avance par des pouvoirs occultes - Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney et Co plus toutes les "loges maçoniques" et lobbies avoués et inavoués américains), lentement mais sûrement préparée.

J'ai peur.

On dirait que ton opinion a évolué, sccc ?

Pas encore.

Mais s'ils attaquent l'Iran, il va falloir que je me remette sérieusement en cause.
"...elles donnent beaucoup de lait vos chèvres mon brave? Les blanches donnent beaucoup de les noirrres aussi..."
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Inscription: 22 Fév 2003, 19:32
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Messagede Albator le 21 Avr 2006, 19:00

Pour ma part, ce documentaire m'a fait faire un 180 dégrés et j'ai perdus toute confiance envers le gouvernement républicain.

Pour moi l'antichrist est maintenant dans ma cours arrière. Par contre si tout cela est un complot, je me demande jusqu'à quel point certains états arabe sont impliqués.... mot d'ordre.. pétrole !

Et le bout le plus marquant 'pour moi' fut celui ou l'on montre comment les tours ont été démolies.
La chevalerie n’est pas née de la force,
mais de la résistance à la force

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Messagede schumi84f1 le 21 Juil 2006, 13:27

une vidéo sur l'appel d'un homme au 105e étage le 11/9

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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Messagede Chris76 le 26 Juil 2006, 13:50

Je viens de regarder le doc loosechange....

J'avoue que je commence moi aussi a avoir de serieux doutes. Je ne porte pas les ricains (au sens de l'administration actuelle) dans mon coeur, et il est facile de tomber dans la these du complot, juste pour se faire plaisir. Et jusqu'alors, je m'etais refusé à cela, par respect, en me disant que Tom Clancy n'est qu'un écrivain à l'imagination fertile (pour le style , bof bof....).
Et puis tout semblait s'enchainer proprement selon la version officielle.

Mais la....
Ca me fait penser au 22 novembre rapport Warren, a la celebre balle magique etc....
Et bizzarement on retrouve des elements similaires dans ce cas precis : le coup du passeport retrouvé intact dans une rue, c'est incroyable (et je n'y crois pas!). Le coup des elements manquants dans le rapport , comme pour Dallas...
Les données techniques (temperatures de fusion, etc...), les personnes priées de se taire , qui reviennent sur leurs propos, etc...

et surtout, les benefices retirés :argent, pouvoir. Les 2 veritables maitres mots de ce doc?
Au dela du pognon et du pouvoir de Bush and Cie, il faut aussi penser à l'industrie de l'armement qui se relance du coup, aux ventes de matos a l'armée et aux pays amis. Le coup du complexe militaro-industriel, comme l'a appelé un certain Ike Eisenhower, général en chef commandant l'opération Overlord, un type qui semblait connaître le milieu (!!!!)., et qui donna ce jour la un avertissement aux generations futures.

Pour conclure, un vieil adage policier : "cherche a qui profite le crime, et tu trouveras le coupable"
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"Ça passait, c'était beau!"
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Messagede B.Verkiler le 27 Juil 2006, 13:44

Un article paru dans la branche norvégienne du monde diplomatique :

Kim Bredesen
Was 9/11 an inside job?

More and more people in the US are convinced that the American authorities are concealing their involvement in the 9/11 tragedy. Statements from witnesses, marked confidential for several years, now show that controlled demolition may have taken place. The US government had long anticipated such an incident – as the Republican document from 2000 Rebuilding America's defences indicates. The 9/11Truth organisation believes that the US probably orchestrated an incident of this type in order to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the curtailing of civil liberties within the US through the introduction of the Patriot Act. It has now emerged that in 1962 the America's most senior military leader devised a plan for a premeditated attack on Americans, which would have involved shooting down a passenger plane, so that the blame could be cast on Cuba. So why should this be excluded today? Many also believe that Pakistani intelligence cooperated with the CIA and Al-Qaeda because it transferred significant sums of money to the hijacker Mohammed Atta in the days leading up to the 9/11. They even had Bin Laden under surveillance during the time of his treatment in a military hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan, in September 2001.
Most of us would think it strange if the impact of a passenger plane wasn't sufficient to cause a skyscraper to collapse. So there were few who doubted what it was that hit the Twin Towers on the 11 September 2001 or the identities of the perpetrators. However, in the intervening years, several individuals and groups, both in North America and in Europe, began to doubt whether this necessarily constitutes accuracy. For them, a set of contradictory circumstances surrounding the attacks do not correspond with the explanations of the American authorities and the Congress-appointed 9/11 Commission.[1]

A key reason for this doubt could be that there are witnesses of 9/11 who describe events that do not tally with events in the official story.[2] An example is provided by onlookers who heard and saw what they believed to be explosions around the Twin Towers before they were struck by the planes. Policemen thought it looked like "planned implosion".[3] Fireman Richard Banaciski reported that: "It seemed like on television when they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions." Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory claimed: "I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know, like when they demolish a building."[4]

Another controversial witness statement came from maintenance worker, William Rodriguez who was working in the North Tower on 9/11. In an interview with New York Magazine,[5] he claimed that he first heard a huge explosion when he was in one of the sub-basements of the skyscraper and witnessed the appearance of victims, the skin burnt off their arms by fires in the lift shaft. After the explosion in the sub-basement he heard another one from above. It was a Boeing 767. Williams was the last survivor to be rescued from the World Trade Center's Ground Zero. He was hailed as a hero and invited to visit George Bush and the White House. Later, when he attempted to publicise his story about the sub-basement explosion, it was rejected by the American authorities. He has now filed a lawsuit against these same authorities under the RICO Statute, a legal ruling originally designed to prosecute Mafia families.

Besides witness statements describing a controlled demolition of the Twin Towers with explosives, critics of the Bush administration believe there are several sets of circumstances around 9/11 that give good reason to suspect the official story is incorrect. It is a fact that none of the four hijacked planes were intercepted by fighter planes. That this did not happen, combined with the fact that the majority of the air force was engaged in military exercises, has given weight to suspicion that the American air defence force gave the order to "stand down" so that the terrorist attacks could proceed unhindered. Another suspicious circumstance is that WTC 7 – also known as Building 7 – a 47-storey skyscraper, collapsed without having been hit by any of the planes. Conversely, the buildings that stood adjacent are still intact.

When it comes to any forewarning of the attacks, claims that the National Security Agency (NSA) monitored fully translated conversations in the summer of 2001 – in real-time –between Mohammed Atta and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed have raised concern. In one of the conversations, Atta purportedly gave Mohammed the green light for the attacks; NSA therefore should have been forewarned.

In relation to investigation that could have led to the apprehension of the hijackers, FBI agent Colleen Rowley claims that the FBI's directors intentionally obstructed her investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui – at the time he was attending flight school in Minneapolis. They did this despite having received warnings from French intelligence. Rowley believes that, had the FBI approved the investigation, they could have uncovered Moussaoui's plans as well as those of several other hijackers enrolled in flight schools.[6] That Pakistani intelligence (ISI) transferred significant sums of money to Mohammed Atta in the days leading up to 9/11 is, some believe, evidence of cooperation between the ISI, CIA, and Al-Qaida.[7]

It may also seem suspicious that George Bush has maintained that American authorities have stepped down the hunt for Osama bin Laden, the main suspect behind September 11th. General Richard Myers also stated that the war in Afghanistan was not about finding bin Laden.[8] A former CIA agent, Gary Berntsen, has furthermore claimed that the Bush administration let bin Laden escape when he was cornered in a pocket of the Tora Bora mountains in Afghanistan in 2001.[9] It is also known that American intelligence were fully aware of bin Laden's whereabouts as early as July 2001 when he was treated for a kidney condition at an American hospital in Dubai, The United Arab Emirates.[10] A few months later, in September, he also received treatment in a military hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan, under the surveillance of Pakistani intelligence.[11]

The existence of circumstances and witness accounts that contradict aspects of the official story has led some individuals and groups to search for alternative explanations for what happened on 9/11. A veritable jungle of theories about what really happened in the US five years ago has sprung up. The theories unfurl in several, interconnected directions. A comparison of different opinions is presented in the book The New Pearl Harbor – Disturbing Questions about the Bush-Administration and 9/11 (2004), by David Ray Griffin, Professor of Theology and the Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California. A key premise he presents in the book is that the responsibility for the attacks of 9/11 can, to a large extent, be attributed to former members of the neo-conservative think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC), who are now key players in the Bush administration. In the document "Rebuilding America's defences: strategies, forces and resources for a New American Century" (2000),[12] written by PNACs members, it is claimed that: "The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, lacking a catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour".

The title of Griffin's book refers to PNAC's statement the transformation of the American military necessitated "a new Pearl Harbour". Griffin looks at this quotation in the light of the legal principle of cui bono? and concludes that 9/11 was precisely the catalyst the Bush administration needed. For Griffin, it is therefore probable that the US orchestrated an incident of this type in order to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the curtailment of civil liberties in the US through the introduction of the Patriot Act. That they have chosen to invade countries in the Middle East he regards as simply an extension of the cooperation the US already had with the power elite in Saudi Arabia, the Pakistani intelligence (ISI), the Taliban regime, and regimes in Central Asia. And for Griffin, the agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia is quite clear: it is about controlling both the production and transportation of oil via pipes and tankers. Griffin does not point to any specific figures responsible for arranging the 9/11 attacks. He states only that there are different opinions about this issue.

For some, speculation about the identity of those responsible surrounds intelligence agencies such as the NSA, FBI, and CIA. Others believe it was the White House. A third group believe that is was individual figures like Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Jed Bush, George Tenet, and Donald Rumsfeld who were the real architects of the attacks. Alternatively, other possible combinations of perpetrators and organisations may have worked together. In his paper, "What is your 'HOP' level?"[13] Nicholas Levis categorises opinions on the attacks under four main headings:
- The Official Story: That Osama bin Laden was responsible, that the planes were hijacked by nineteen Muslim fundamentalists and that the White House did not receive any warning.
- Incompetence Theory: Accepts the official history but blames the White House, FBI, CIA, NSA and others for not following up the many warnings. This was the line taken, with a great deal of cover-up and spin, in the 9/11 Commission's report.
- LIHOP ("Letting It Happen on Purpose"): There are a number of variations on this one. Is mainly about how factions within the American authorities and the private sector were aware of the hijackers' plans but did nothing to stop them, since 9/11 was in line with political objectives.
- MIHOP ("Making It Happen on Purpose"): US authorities or private forces planned and carried out the attacks.

For the sceptics, the common denominator is their belief that at least one of the elements of the official presentation of 9/11 is inaccurate. For those who subscribe to the radical MIHOP hypothesis, a key premise is that the Twin Towers – including Building 7 – collapsed as a result of controlled demolition with explosives: that it was an inside job. The technical/construction part of this claim has been directly refuted in a report of approximately 10 000 pages written by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), who claim that it was fuel from the passenger planes that disturbed the structure of the towers and that it was this that eventually caused them to collapse.[14] NIST is unable to offer a satisfactory explanation as to why the third building, WTC 7, collapsed without having been struck by a plane.[15] Steven E. Jones, professor of physics at Brigham Young University in Utah, rejects NIST's claims about the Twin Towers. He tells, for example, how eyewitnesses observed that steel from all three skyscrapers had melted (in some cases, the steel was found glowing three weeks after the attack) and was twisted in a way that can only have been caused by what he describes as pre-positioned "cutter charges". According to Jones, these charges consisted of thermate, HMX, or RDX, substances used in explosives used only in controlled demolitions. Another important point for Jones is that the fires in the buildings and the fuel from the passenger planes (the maximum temperature for airplane fuel is 1000 degrees Celsius) did not produce sufficient heat to melt the steel – which would require temperatures of between 1550-1990 degrees Celsius – within the one to one-and-a-half hours it took for the Twin Towers to collapse.[16] Jones's claims are supported by the data engineer Jim Hoffman. After video and photo analysis of the events, Hoffman concludes that all three buildings fell almost symmetrically, at close to freefall speed, and directly downwards onto their own foundations. According to Hoffman, the speed of the collapse, the pulverisation of the concrete to a "milky" powder, and the presence of horizontal dust clouds observed alongside WTC 7, are associated with the use of pre-positioned explosives in buildings.[17]

Many no longer believe the official explanation, but are convinced that the Towers' collapse was an inside job – either that the authorities "let it happen" or "made it happen". Many who put their trust in other hypotheses have joined forces with the umbrella organisation 9/11Truth[18] – an ad hoc organisation formed to exist until the last unanswered question about 9/11 has been answered. 9/11Truth has brought together a cross-section of society; members with different political allegiances manage the same organisations and lobby groups. This cooperation is mainly concentrated on meetings, demonstrations, the production of documentary films, Internet forums, online publications, and conferences. In the UK, a local branch of 9/11Truth has been set up called JulySeventhTruth,[19] so-called because it seeks to piece together what happened during the terrorist attacks in London on the 7 July 2005.

The media spokesman for NY9/11Truth, Les Jamieson, every Sunday helps to arrange demonstrations at Ground Zero or seminars in St. Mark's Church, made available by priest, Frank Morales. Jamieson talked to Le Monde diplomatique:
LMd: Does 9/11 represent further justification for war?
LJ: No. It has recently emerged that, here in the USA, the authorities planned a similarly staged operation, Operation Northwoods: A plan was devised in 1962 by the most senior-ranking military leader in the US. The plan was to arrange a terrorist attack inland, on the coast of Florida where Americans would be killed, a passenger plane shot down, a ship sunk –- and all the blame would be laid on the Cubans. So this is nothing new, it's been done before.
LMd: How cynical can a government become?
LJ: A lie precipitated the Vietnam War too – the events in the Tonkin Gulf. It was reported that Vietnamese torpedo boats had shot at American ships in the Tonkin Gulf. But these reports were fictitious. President Lyndon B. Johnson and foreign minister Robert McNamara exploited these reports to pass the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in Congress – which was really a declaration of war. 50 000 Americans ended up dead, hundreds of thousands tragically affected. The herbicide Agent Orange was used to poison farms and land use. This is what happens when governments and the power elite orchestrate wars. There really is a level of evil, a loathing of humanity. That's why Henry Kissinger said once about the war between Iraq and Iran: "I hope they kill each other," or: "Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs."
LMd: Is it similarly possible to suggest that there could have been a secret group connected to the government, a "state within a state", that planned and brought about September 11?
LJ: Yes. One has to remember that there are private groups of agents, private armies that exist outside Congress' field of vision. They carry out covert operations deep inside the CIA, and have severed all contact with the American government, who for their part, have no knowledge about what is going on. This has been happening since the 1950s. When Dwight Eisenhower left his presidency he said that one should be vigilant over the overarching control of the military-industrial complex. To this day, we still have a shadow government, an invisible government and we believe this one works together with elements within the intelligence agencies MI5, MI6, and perhaps Mossad. MI5 and the CIA definitely work together in translating the agenda for the international power elite.
LMd: Are you not afraid of being labelled a conspiracy theorist?
LJ: The term "Conspiracy Theory" must also be understood as a strategy of the mass media and individuals within the power elite to sew seeds of doubt about this kind of information. The fact is that, on the contrary, there are a range of examples of real conspiracies by the authorities. For example, the Iran-Contras affair was a result of a huge conspiracy that enabled the sale of narcotics to buy weapons for the Contras. And we have the BCCI scandal in 1991 – a massive banking scandal. There's also the vote in Florida in 2000 and in Ohio in 2004. If one studies these things, mammoth conspiracies can be uncovered. What about all the lies that led to the invasion of Iraq? We were told that weapons of mass destruction definitely existed and that Saddam tried to buy "yellow cake" from Nigeria. It was all lies and deception. These kinds of events need a conspiracy! The American government's official version of what happened on 9/11 is a scandalous conspiracy theory; it's not to be believed! In our organisation we are detectives and investigators. We put together a theory and are actually extremely stringent in finding the best possible analysis.

Jamieson is not the only one subscribing to such theories. The participation of many community groups and service personnel connected to 9/11Truth has generated a trail of research and articles. A group called "Scholars for 9/11Truth" describes itself as "...a non-partisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11."[20] It was established by philosophy professor James H. Fetzer and professor of physics Steven E. Jones – the movement's foremost expert on the collapse of the Twin Towers. The latter's work will be published in September, a contribution to the anthology 9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (eds. David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott, 2006).

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed[21] wrote one of the first books published to question the official version of 9/11: The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11th, 2001 (2002). It expresses profound criticism of American foreign policy, both leading up to and subsequent to 9/11. Paul Thompson, from Scholars for 9/11Truth, is the author of The Terror Timeline. A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11 and America's Response. This is a comprehensive collection of news articles about 9/11. Thompson works at the Centre for Cooperative Research. Another much-talked about member of Scholars for 9/11Truth is David Ray Griffin (see above). Griffin is also a dynamic force behind the organisation MUJCA-net – a discussion forum for Christians, Jews, Muslims and other believers who are sceptical of the official explanation for 9/11. The head of the organisation is the intellectual, doctor and imam Faiz Khan, who works at a Jewish hospital in New York. In the essay "The Paralysis of Discourse; The Incompetence of Academia, and The Need for an Accurate Diagnosis",[22] he argues that 9/11 precipitated a simplification of language and ideas about what it means to be Muslim and Arab – especially when Muslims the world over are to be held responsible for actions a small minority of terrorists have carried out. Khan believes the hijackers were most probably "fake" Muslims, i.e. that they were not Muslim in their beliefs in the way that American foreign policy is American. That the blame for the terrorist attacks is attributed to something as diffuse as a "military Islamic network", he believes, is tantamount to an abdication of responsibility by the US, since the latter worked in tandem with the ISI (Pakistani intelligence) and Saudi-Arabia to build those networks up.
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Inscription: 26 Fév 2003, 14:19

Messagede Waddle le 28 Juil 2006, 18:30

J'ai vu "Vol 93", et dans le film, ce sont vraiment des musulmans non américains qui ont fait le coup.
"La citoyenneté réduite au droit du sang consiste à dire que la République est génétique et non pas spirituelle", Waddle, 2013.

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Messagede Maverick le 28 Juil 2006, 20:15

Hamilton, champion du monde de F1 moral 2021
Verstappen, champion du monde FIA/Masi 2021

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Messagede schumi84f1 le 28 Juil 2006, 20:17

Waddle a écrit:J'ai vu "Vol 93", et dans le film, ce sont vraiment des musulmans non américains qui ont fait le coup.

tu crois que c'est fait exprès :? :lol:
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Messagede B.Verkiler le 03 Aoû 2006, 10:34

Un compte rendu d'un panel de membres de la commission sur le 11 septembre, qui dénonce certains mensonges éhontés de la version officielle : ... 01300.html

Lentement mais surement, la vérité officielle s'effondre, même pour les grands médias. Un de ces jours, même 4x4 addict n'arrivera plus à y croire. C'est dire !
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Inscription: 26 Fév 2003, 14:19

Messagede Xave le 10 Aoû 2006, 18:17

Toutes façons, on s'en fout, dans 5 ans, tout le monde aura oublié...

AFP a écrit:WASHINGTON (AFP) - Environ 30% des Américains ne sont plus capables de dire en quelle année ont eu lieu les attentats contre le World Trade Center et le Pentagone, selon un sondage du Washington Post publié mercredi par le quotidien.

Alors que les Etats-Unis se préparent à commémorer pour la 5ème fois les attaques suicides qui ont fait près de 3.000 morts et bouleversé le monde, 95% des Américains interrogés pour le sondage se souviennent qu'elles ont eu lieu un 11 septembre.

Mais quand on leur demande en quelle année, ils ne sont plus que 70% à répondre "2001": 16% reconnaissent qu'ils ne savent pas, 6% citent une date antérieure et 8% une date ultérieure.

Ce trou de mémoire est essentiellement le fait des plus âgés: 48% des 55-64 ans et 47% des plus de 65 ans ne parviennent pas à donner la bonne année.

Le sondage du Washington Post a été réalisé fin juillet auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de 1.002 personnes avec le concours de l'institut ICR.

:lol: :roll:
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Cyclo Jinba Ittaï
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Messagede Hugues le 10 Aoû 2006, 19:09

Coïncidence que la remontée de ce sujet, j'ai pris connaissance ce matin de ce site qui expose les photos de Bill Biggart, photojournaliste, par hasard en ballade dans Manhattan le matin du 11 septembre, et qui a été tué par l'effondrement de la seconde tour, ayant pris trop de risque. Si ses photos argentiques ont été détruites dans la catastrophe, il restait donc ses photos numériques. ... _intro.htm

Il faut cliquer (après avoir éventuellement lu le récit de la première page), sur Enter Bill Biggart's Photo Gallery.
Malheureusement, c'est un peu saturé aujourd'hui, un site important l'ayant mis temporairement en lien.


Messagede Hob le 10 Aoû 2006, 23:29

question toute bete: est ce qu'il y a des témoignages de gens quia vaient de la famille dans l'avion qui s'est écrasé sur le pentagon ?
le truc le plus troublant pour moi :?
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Messagede Hugues le 11 Aoû 2006, 07:03

L'opinion d'un expert et pilote de ligne, Patrick Smith cette nuit dans, expliquant que ce n'est pas l'interdiction des couteaux, ou cutters, ni des liquides et gels depuis hier, qui rend les vols plus sûrs, au contraire. Il sera toujours possible de cacher les armes de façon encore plus dissimulée. En attendant on ennuie des millions de voyageurs alors que la probabilité de la répétition d'un scénario est nulle. Et que ce qui rend les vols plus sûrs est avant tout de savoir à partir des faits passés, que c'est l'inattendu qui survient toujours et que seul des enquêtes de police sont en mesure de protéger les vols, pas des agents et contrôle de sécurité. a écrit:Getting beyond our airport security obsession

Confiscating corkscrews and tweezers didn't make us safer after Sept. 11. And banning liquids isn't going to make us safer now.

By Patrick Smith

Aug. 10, 2006 | Terrorists intend to destroy several jumbo jets over the ocean using liquid explosives smuggled aboard in carry-on luggage. The plot is foiled in the nick of time by authorities.

August 2006? No, it's 1994, and the sinister plan, nicknamed "Oplan Bojinka," is under the direction of Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a pair of terrorist conspirators hiding out in Manila, Philippines. Khalid would later lead the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington. Yousef was already responsible for having organized the World Trade Center prelude bombing in 1993.

Oplan Bojinka is Arabic slang for "Operation Big Bang." It is funded by a renegade Saudi named Osama bin Laden and Riduan Isamuddin, an Indonesian operative who goes by the name Hambali.

Yousef grew up in Kuwait and became a master mixer of hard-to-detect liquid incendiaries. At one point he completed a successful Bojinka test run onboard a Philippine Airlines 747, killing a Japanese businessman with a small underseat explosion. Yousef himself, traveling with a forged Italian passport, smuggled the necessary components onto the airplane, including nitroglycerin hidden inside a converted bottle of contact lens solution.

Filipino police uncover the Bojinka plot from a Toshiba laptop in Yousef's Manila apartment, also used as an explosives lab, after they are called to the scene because of a chemical fire. It is two weeks before the attacks are scheduled to take place. Yousef flees to Pakistan and is arrested in Islamabad six weeks later by Pakistani and American intelligence officers.

According to the data in Yousef's computer, and later revealed during his trial, 11 jetliners, all belonging to U.S. airlines and all traveling between Asia and the United States, were to be targeted over a two-day period in January 1995. A team of operatives would carry aboard small but powerful explosive devices separated into various, seemingly innocuous components. Called "microbombs," the devices would employ Casio watches for timers and chemical stabilizers that resembled cotton balls. A pair of 9-volt batteries would provide power to detonators fashioned from light bulb filaments. The key explosive was a virtually undetectable form of liquid nitroglycerin. After assembly during flight, the bomb would be placed beneath the chair cushion, concealed by the underseat life preserver.

Each of the 11 chosen targets was a two-leg flight. The conspirators planned to disembark upon landing, with the bombs set to detonate hours later, after the planes were once again aloft. If successful, more than 3,000 people could have been killed.

All of this happened more than 11 years ago, providing more than ample notice that such a scheme was possible. Yet following revelations that a copycat Bojinka scheme was well under way in Britain, we're suddenly in a state of full-blown panic.

Based on what we know thus far, government investigators ought to be commended for unraveling this deadly scheme in time. Predictably and tragically, however, airports have been thrown into chaos not seen since the days just after Sept. 11. European and American security agencies have slammed down a sudden gantlet of restrictions resulting in massive delays and grave inconvenience for millions of passengers. An already devastated airline industry, along with countless of its customers, are once again going to suffer mightily.

There is no reason it has to be this way -- though few of us who've been writing about airport security issues over the past few years are terribly surprised. Half a decade after Sept. 11, having spent billions to upgrade air security, we're still needlessly obsessed with hobby knives and silverware, trying to thwart an attack that already happened and is all but certain never to happen again.

Is it any wonder that the specter of liquid explosives, the possibilities of which have been known to authorities for many years, should inspire a whole new round of reactionary panic and waste? It's too early, maybe, to be so cynical, but some of us have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, as it were, ever since Richard Reid's would-be sneaker bomb commenced the silly and apparently never-to-end X-raying of footwear at airports across America. I presume the new security paradigm will call for the permanent banning of toothpaste, shampoo and drinking water.

What we need to get through our terror-addled heads is this: It has been, and it will always be, relatively easy to smuggle a potentially deadly weapon onto an aircraft.

The easily concealable components of the Bojinka microbombs demonstrate the futility of trying to root out every possible terror tool. Knives can be improvised from almost anything. The same for bombs, flammable materials, and other instruments of destruction, large or small.

More than once in this magazine I've discussed the forgotten lessons of Bojinka. In laying out other fiendish scenarios, I once raised the possibility of terrorists sewing explosives into the living bodies of pets, which could then be shipped in a plane's cargo hold. The point was never to be gruesome but, rather, to illustrate the limitless tools saboteurs will always have at their disposal.

Ultimately, protecting commercial aircraft from terrorism is not the job of airport security, it's a job for police departments, federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The apparent plot at Heathrow Airport was not unraveled by the keen eye of a concourse screener; it was unraveled through careful investigation behind the scenes. By the time any attacker makes it to the metal detector, chances are it's already too late. There are too many ways to outwit that final line of defense.

No matter, here we go initiating yet another absurd crackdown to the detriment of millions of innocent travelers. Just as confiscating corkscrews didn't make us safer after Sept. 11, so banning liquids isn't going to make us safer now. All the while, the true weapon of mass destruction is the imagination and resilience of those who wish to harm us -- a fact we continue to ignore at our own peril.

* * * * * *

Epilogue: Despite our administration's repeated assertion that the events of Sept. 11 were a complete surprise, the Bojinka plot was in fact a three-pronged scheme that included the possibility of using hijacked jetliners against several American landmarks and skyscrapers.

Today, Ramzi Yousef is incarcerated in a Colorado prison. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is in U.S. government custody, his exact whereabouts a secret. Riduan Isamuddin, aka Hambali, is imprisoned in Jordan. He was implicated in the 2002 Bali, Indonesia, nightclub bombing. Osama bin Laden is at large.


Messagede Hob le 11 Aoû 2006, 14:24

Ca me rappelle... la dernière fois que j'ai pris l'avion, j'étais sidérée qu'on me laisse rentrer avec mon pendentif, un coller en acier de forme ' tribale', assez agressive, avec;... une grosse pointe. J'aurai sans aucun pb pu tuer quelqu'un avec le cas échéant, et il se voyait comme le nez au milieu de mes fameux nichons :lol:

par contre ils se sont méfiés de la boucle de mes chaussures qui sonnait :?
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Messagede Cortese le 11 Aoû 2006, 15:22

vendredi 11 août 2006 (13h41) :

Lorsque le journaliste Robert Fisk°, envoyé spécial du quotidien anglais The Independent au Moyen-Orient, rapporte des faits, il les accompagne d’un maximum de preuves techniques : numéro et adresse de fabrication de la bombe qui vient d’exploser, noms, prénoms, date de naissance des victimes, etc.

Or voilà qu’on nous annonce à grands coups de titres ronflants que Londres vient de "déjouer une attaque terroriste", un complot de "dimension mondiale" qui "visait à provoquer des destructions et des pertes humaines incalculables."

Mais les preuves, où sont-elles les preuves ?

Ni une, ni deux, fallait que j’en ai le cœur net, je me suis lancé dans un petit contrôle Fiskal, j’ai épluché la presse, écouté les radios, podcasté des émissions TV. Rien ou presque d’un tant soit peu consistant. Juste des affirmations déclamatoires, l’annonce d’arrestations, de noms donnés par la police, de vagues descriptions prétendument minutieuses des techniques prévues par les "terroristes" pour pulvériser nos paisibles aéroplanes.

Mais aussi tellement d’invraisemblances. Des suspects "d’origine pakistanaise" tous "nés en Grande-Bretagne", habitant tous à Londres. Pourquoi pas de la même famille et dans la même maison pendant qu’on y est ! Et qu’est-ce que c’est que cette histoire granguignolesque d’ "explosifs liquides cachés dans d’anodins flacons", de bombes en kit "à monter sur place" dans l’avion. Des preuves, des preuves, svp !

Attention, ne me faites pas dire ce que je n’ai pas dit, je ne ne prétends certainement pas l’inverse, que tout ça est du pipeau, qu’il n’y a rien. Moi non plus, je n’ai pas de preuves. Et Robert Fisk lui-même l’avouait dans un article récent : "D’observer le martyr du Liban, cette semaine, une pensée terrible et affolante m’est venue à l’esprit, jour après jour. Qu’il y aura un autre 11/9."

Non, ce qui m’étonne, c’est la façon avec laquelle nos médias officiels, nos spécialites proclamés de la déontologie journalistique, grands pourfendeurs d’Internet et de ses risques de manipulations, y vont d’une seule voix solennelle et définitive pour propager l’auguste nouvelle, sans l’ombre d’un doute, sans la précaution d’un conditionnel. "Complot déjoué : les enquêteurs sur la piste des terroristes au Pakistan", s’enflamme le Monde. Et de multiplier les détails sur le nombre et les caractéristiques des attentats évités, et de s’appuyer sur les doctes sentences des incontournables "spécialistes" (je vous conseille vivement la lecture de celles d’un certain Wilkinson, "spécialiste en terrorisme" pas moins, dans Libération du 11/8. Ell vaut son pesant de clichés fumeux).

Héhé, c’est que j’ai un peu de mal à oublier l’affaire des "Irlandais de Vincennes" en 1982 à 21h30, quand des clampins anodins furent arrêtés avec grand esbrouffe médiatique par les pieds-nickelés du GIGN qui avaient apporté eux-mêmes les bombes devant leur servir de preuves irréfutables.

Manipulation ? Sûr que les cow-boys US, leurs larbins européens et leurs hommes de main israéliens ont plutôt besoin de redorer un blason salement terni en détournant l’attention. Mais évitons d’’imiter nos rouletabilles d’opérette avec d’hasardeuses assertions, iraient-elles dans le sens que nous souhaitons. Ce qui ne fait aucun doute, par contre, c’est la paranoïa trouillardesque qui s’est emparée des puissants.

Vous vous rendez compte ! D’un simple soupçon, d’un complot présenté comme "déjoué" par un Scotland Yard qu’on a déjà connu brillantissime (cf. le passant brésilien dézingué sans sommations après les attentats du métro londonnien), ils en ont bloqué leurs aéroports, mis dans le pétrin des foules entières de vacanciers abasourdis, condamnés les dames voyageuses à présenter le délicieux foutoir intime de leurs sacs à main dans des pochettes plastiques transparentes.

Ah, les barbus assoiffés de sang du camp d’en face auraient tort de sacrifier leurs kamikazes et de se bouleverser le compte en banque à monter des opérations sophistiquées pour nous terroriser ! Suffit juste d’une vieille valise avec un réveil bien sonore du tic-tac. Et voilà nos libres héros pétrifiés, accrochés aux lambeaux de leur bonne conscience au-dessus des champs de désolation qu’ils ont créés ou laisser se créer.

Le Yéti

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Inscription: 23 Fév 2003, 20:32

Messagede Hugues le 11 Aoû 2006, 16:03

En tout cas, l'excellent site de vulgarisation scientifique Howstuffworks a été réactif, ils ont publié un
Comment les liquides explosifs fonctionnent, et qu'est-ce que les terroristes feraient avec dans un avion? ... /printable


Messagede Maverick le 11 Aoû 2006, 21:01

Hob a écrit:Ca me rappelle... la dernière fois que j'ai pris l'avion, j'étais sidérée qu'on me laisse rentrer avec mon pendentif, un coller en acier de forme ' tribale', assez agressive, avec;... une grosse pointe. J'aurai sans aucun pb pu tuer quelqu'un avec le cas échéant, et il se voyait comme le nez au milieu de mes fameux nichons :lol:

Toi, va falloir que t'arrêtes de nous parler des tes nichons ! C'est pas que j'en ai marre que t'en parles, c'est que j'en ai marre que t'en parles sans en montrer un peu. :D

Comment ça je suis un pervers ?! :eek: :twisted:
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Messagede sccc le 11 Aoû 2006, 21:17

Allez hop!

En petite tenue ou mieux...sans tenue. :P
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Messagede zolthar le 12 Aoû 2006, 01:05

Maverick a écrit:
Hob a écrit:Ca me rappelle... la dernière fois que j'ai pris l'avion, j'étais sidérée qu'on me laisse rentrer avec mon pendentif, un coller en acier de forme ' tribale', assez agressive, avec;... une grosse pointe. J'aurai sans aucun pb pu tuer quelqu'un avec le cas échéant, et il se voyait comme le nez au milieu de mes fameux nichons :lol:

Toi, va falloir que t'arrêtes de nous parler des tes nichons ! C'est pas que j'en ai marre que t'en parles, c'est que j'en ai marre que t'en parles sans en montrer un peu. :D

Comment ça je suis un pervers ?! :eek: :twisted:

A mort NQP ! :evil: :mad: :twisted:
A mort NQP ! :evil: :mad: :twisted:
A mort NQP ! :evil: :mad: :twisted:

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Messagede Hugues le 15 Aoû 2006, 19:40

Benamar Benatta, lieutenant de l'armée de l'air algérienne vient d'être libéré après 58 mois derrières les barreaux, alors que le FBI avait conclus en 2001 qu'il n'avait aucune connexion avec le terrorisme.

Benatta était venu aux Etats-Unis en 2000 pour son entrainement militaire, et était resté au delà de son visa de 6 mois. Le 5 septembre 2001 il est arrivé au Peace Bridge près de Buffalo, demanadant l'asile politique au Canada.

Les officiels canadiens l'ont maintenu en détention alors qu'ils enquêtaient sur ce qu'il affirmait pour justifier de l'asile politique. Mais le fait que Benatta soit un musulman algérien et un technicien en avionique sans papiers d'immigrations en bonne et due forme, a mené le Canada à le remettre aux autorité américaines, après le 11 septembre 2001. Il a dès lors été placé en isolement dans une prison de New York City.

La charge qui pesait contre lui était initilament de porter des papiers frauduleux jusqu'à ce qu'un magistrat fédéral qualifie ces accusations de "feinte" du procureur. Depuis lors, il avait été détenu uniquement pour être resté au dela de son visa, tandis qu'il menait une bataille juridique pour obtenir l'asile politique aux USA ou au Canada, affirmant qu'il serait tué si il retournait en Algérie.

Le gouvernement américain n'a cessé d'être critiqué pour le traitement infligé à Benatta. Ainsi en 2003, le juge fedéral, H. Kenneth Schroeder Jr. a jugé que Benatta avait été "indéniablement privé de sa liberté." Et que le garder en prison plus longtemps "serait rejoindre la mascarade qui a déjà été perpétrée"

Malgré tout Benatta a été gardé en prison tout pendant l'examen de sa demande d'asile aux USA (qui lui a finalement été refusée) A un moment, la liberté lui fut offerte en échange d'une caution de 25000 dollards, mais il n'était pas en mesure de payer. Et quand plus tard, ses avocats ayant réuni l'argent tentèrent de le faire libérer, le gouvernement lui déclina ce droit.

Un ordre de la Court d'Appel des Etats-Unis du 2e Circuit, publié mardi 18 juillet a confirmé, enfin que le Canada avait accoré à Benatta un permis de résident temporaire "dans le but de permettre aux demandant d'entrer au Candada pour poursuivre sa requête de statut de réfugié dans ce pays". Le jeudi suivant, Benatta était questionné au Canda et libéré. Les officiels canadiens se sont en fait résolu à remonté le temps au 5 septembre 2001, les avocats de Benatta estimant avoir démontré qu'il était illégal de remettre Benatta aux Etats-Unis, et que l'acceptation préliminaire de Benatta au Canada et sa libération était une reconnaissance des erreurs faites en 2001.

Il reste que ce triste imbroglio judificaire démontre combien le Patriot Act inflige des violations aux droits les plus élémentaires..

Pour plus de détails: ... 02007.html


Messagede Chris76 le 15 Aoû 2006, 21:32

Un site qui recapitule pas mal de docs....
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Messagede Hugues le 16 Aoû 2006, 16:09

Dans un souci de dramatiser un peu encore l'anniversaire à venir du 11 septembre, d'y verser un peu plus de pathos encore, voilà que la ville de New York va publier des archives vocales d'appel au 911 non encore rendue publiques:

Associated Press via Yahoo! News a écrit:NYC to release 911 calls from Sept. 11

By AMY WESTFELDT, Associated Press Writer Wed Aug 16, 4:12 AM ET

NEW YORK - The voices of firefighters who came to rescue people from the burning World Trade Center hold clues about what happened after jetliners struck the towers on Sept. 11, 2001 14 but until now, many went unheard.

On Wednesday, city officials planned to publicly play voices recorded on hundreds of emergency calls for the first time. They are among 1,613 previously undisclosed emergency calls recently discovered by city officials.

The Fire Department said the calls were discovered after the city turned over more than 100 dispatches in March under a court order. Most of the calls are from firefighters asking dispatchers where they should report for duty, the department said.

The New York Times and families of Sept. 11 victims sued for access to the emergency calls and firefighters' oral histories. Attorneys said they wanted to find out what happened in the towers after two hijacked jetliners crashed into them and what dispatchers told workers and rescuers in and around the buildings.

Attorney Norman Siegel, who represents Sept. 11 families, called on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to pledge that no more emergency recordings from that day exist.

"We need the mayor to assure the family members that this is it, that this is everything we have," Siegel said. "If it was 10 or 20 tapes, one could understand that they overlooked some. But if you're talking hundreds, and possibly as many as 2,000 tapes, the serious substantial question is how did this happen?"

A spokesman for the mayor declined to comment Tuesday.

The city in March released transcripts of 130 calls from people trapped in the towers, including only the voices of operators and other public employees. The callers' voices were cut out after city attorneys argued that their pleas for help were too emotional and intense to be publicized without their families' consent.

Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta ordered his department to search for additional recordings when another tape turned up shortly after the March release of 911 calls. City officials listened to all calls to emergency and fire dispatchers between 8:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. on Sept. 11 to locate all available recordings.

The fire department said Tuesday that when it first turned over its emergency calls, officials "misinterpreted instructions they were given on what kinds of calls to copy" and "failed to capture" other 911 calls they knew had to be made public.

"The department regrets the delay," it said in a statement.

The calls include 10 made by people trapped in the twin towers, although those will include only the voices of the operators who heard their pleas. Also, 19 of the 343 firefighters who died, along with two emergency medical technicians, identify themselves to dispatchers.

The city planned to play the remainder of the call 14 with only the operator's voice 14 of Melissa Doi, who spent more than 20 minutes on the phone with a 911 operator from the 83rd floor of the south tower before she was killed. Excerpts of Doi's side of the conversation were played for jurors in April at Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui's trial.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Doi asked the dispatcher. "Please God, it's so hot. I'm burning up."


Messagede Hugues le 26 Aoû 2006, 11:38

Toujours dans l'optique de mettre un peu de pathos, rediffusera en streaming à 5 ans d'intervalle entre 8h30 et minuit (heure de l'Est ce qui fait 14h30 et 6h du matin en France) la couverture télévisée de CNN du 11 septembre 2001 comme si cela arrivait en direct...

Exceptionnellement, CNN Pipeline sera gratuit ce jour là...

Associated Press via International Business Times a é to Replay 9/11 Attacks Coverage

Posted 25 August 2006 @ 06:34 pm EST

NEW YORK (AP) - CNN will mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by replaying on the Internet the cable network's coverage of that day's events.

Viewers can watch how events unfolded starting at 8:30 a.m., minutes before the first reports of an airplane hitting the World Trade Center. The feed will run in real time, as the network showed it five years ago, until midnight.

For the day, CNN will make its online video service, CNN Pipeline, available for free. Normally, viewers pay $2.95 a month or $24.95 a year for four separate video feeds.

Online viewers will be able to watch live reports of memorial services through one of the feeds. So that viewers won't accidentally stumble upon graphic footage from 2001, the replay feed will be covered with a notice instructing users to click only if they want to watch.

"Our users may choose to view the stream of coverage from Sept. 11, 2001, or live coverage of memorial services at Ground Zero, or they may click through the numerous interactive elements on the site," said David Payne, senior vice president and general manager of "They have the power to determine the best way for them to remember the anniversary."

CNN is a unit of Time Warner Inc.


Messagede 4X4 addict le 26 Aoû 2006, 11:44

pourquoi du pathos ??

c'est juste une récup commerciale de trés mauvais gout....

sauf pour qui pense que Meyssan est un journaliste scientifique digne de confiance à élever au rang de réfé que les illuminati cachent le fait ques les martiens soient déja parmi nous....
Est ce mieux ailleurs? Je ne sais pas, mais si au moins j'ai la liberté de m'y rendre...
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Messagede Cortese le 26 Aoû 2006, 12:48

42% des Etatsuniens pensent que leur gouvernement a comploté dans cette affaire : ... _0523.html

Les Martiens existent !
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Messagede 4X4 addict le 26 Aoû 2006, 13:06

Cortese a écrit:42% des Etatsuniens pensent que leur gouvernement a comploté dans cette affaire : ... _0523.html

Les Martiens existent !

pas qu'ils ont complotés; mais qu'ils dissimulent des infos...

tous les détails sont là; comprenant la méthodologie de ce sondage et les votes par catégories...

les martiens n'ont toujours pas trouvés le n'existe que chez certaines CSP, personnes fragilisées par les accidents de la vie et peu diplomées...

Majorities (50%-56%) of Democrats, 18-29 year-olds, Hispanics, single adults and those who are divorced/widowed/separated, residents of small cities, and adults with less education than a high school diploma believe the government and 9/11 Commission are covering up something. Nearly half of independent voters (48%) agree.
Est ce mieux ailleurs? Je ne sais pas, mais si au moins j'ai la liberté de m'y rendre...
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Messagede Cortese le 26 Aoû 2006, 14:47

On se demande s'il faut l'envoyer en cure de désintoxication ou lui greffer un cerveau.
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Messagede 4X4 addict le 26 Aoû 2006, 16:27

Est ce mieux ailleurs? Je ne sais pas, mais si au moins j'ai la liberté de m'y rendre...
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Messagede schumi84f1 le 05 Sep 2006, 10:47

j'ai regardé la soirée sur le 11/9/1 hier soir sur FR2, super bien fait et super poignant :good
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Messagede Maverick le 05 Sep 2006, 10:49

schumi84f1 a écrit:j'ai regardé la soirée sur le 11/9/1 hier soir sur FR2, super bien fait et super poignant :good
Mouai bof...à part quelques images que je n'avais jamais vu, c'est un peu mielleux.
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