Modérateurs: Garion, Silverwitch
Selon Bloomberg, Gerasimov et de hauts fonctionnaires russes ont apparemment ignoré les avertissements des services de renseignement selon lesquels les soldats ukrainiens se rassemblaient près de la frontière avec la région de Koursk, dans l'ouest de la Russie, deux semaines avant de lancer l'assaut, et personne n'a informé le président Vladimir Poutine.
In the 12th c, Sudzha was part of the Chernihiv Principality, in the 17th c, part of the Sumy Regiment within Sloboda Ukraine, in early 18th c was briefly part of the Kyiv Governorate, and also briefly, until 1922, part of the Soviet Ukraine.
According to 1897 russian imperial census, 61 per cent of the local population spoke Ukrainian.
In 1926, Ukrainians constituted 61 per cent of the population of Sudzha volost.
Russian census of 2020 lists Ukrainians among the nationalities that constitute less than 0.1 per cent of population of Sudzha raion.
Hugues a écrit:Hugues a écrit:B.Verkiler a écrit:Quant à moi personnellement, je suis un peu trop vieux pour aller vivre en Russie, mais il est hors de question que je léve le moindre petit doigt pour les ukrainiens. Je préfère me faire exterminer ici par un Edité par la modération, Motif : insulte raciste et homophobe telle que représentée par la cérémonie d'ouverture des JO que tu defends sans surprise aucune que d'aller combattre des russes encore sains d'esprit.
Sains d'esprit:
Voilà quelle veule dégueulasserie tu t'en orgueillis d'applaudir et défendre...
Sinon ton enquête sur l'hopital avance ? C'était pas eux non plus, parait-il?
Ce qui me fait penser à ce texte mis en ligne aujourd'hui:Excuse me, but about 500,000 "ordinary Russians" are right now fighting to exterminate Ukraine right now.
About 120,000 "ordinary Russians" have already been killed in this war to exterminate Ukraine, which is unprecedented since WWII, and this war sees no end in sight.
Up to 25,000 "ordinary Russians" are joining the Russian military every single month to get some real crazy money for helping exterminate Ukraine.
Russia's overall military force deployed to exterminate Ukraine is expected to grow to about 700,000 "ordinary Russians" by the end of 2024, and another wave of mass mobilization is very likely.
Yet, no nationwide protests, no military trains derailed en masse by those protesting against exterminating Ukraine, no war of national resistance in Russia to stop this madness, the idiocy of which is simply very hard for a sane mind to apperceive.
It's not just "Putin's war".
It's a war to exterminate Ukraine supported actively by "regular Russians" poisoned by the Kremlin's Nazi propaganda of hatred and/or those participating in the extermination of Ukraine for money, which meets no resistance from those who opt towards omission.
This is much deeper than just "a dictator waging a war of aggression".
This is about a very large nation, in which an aggressive totalitarian regime has built its power largely on the consolidating idea of exterminating and devouring a neighboring nation.
Sains d'esprit ?
Dérive sectaire et perte totale et collective de santé mentale. Comme il y a 80-90 ans, sur un autre territoire
An average Daniil, 22, is cheerfully entertaining an idea to join the russian army and get paid for killing and torturing Ukrainians. It sounds like a fun idea to him, especially if it is for the good of russia. Because what can be gooder than torture and murder for a good cause, right?
I've kept this video on my phone for some time questioning if we can generalize based on one video.
What it telling, however, is the comfort with which this young man expresses his terrifying thoughts publicly. It seems normal to him.
Mais bon c'est évident le pays qui a créé mentalement ce genre de personne, n'aurait jamais tiré sur un hopital. Et ses soldats n'auraient jamais massacré des gens à Boutcha ou Izioum voyons. Ni fait exploser un barrage.
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